Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy 3rd of July

...and you think I never shoveled shit in Iowa?
- John Wayne

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have had it with these fucking whiners!

Poor little whatever thing was born under the Mississippi flag and I have not bothered to read any more of this bullshit as that is what it is.

This shit head like all of these paid commie  trolls who somehow have better lives, better jobs, better affirmative action than I ever had or will have, and platforms from the CIA to bitch about America, should try being a real Protestant White American and find out how hard life really is.

My Life Under Mississippi’s Racist Flag

The onslaught began the day I was born. As my mother made her way to the hospital, hundreds of Confederate flags lined the streets. It was ...

As a German Lutheran, I got to watch Hollywood tell the world that every German was shit, because the English started two world wars to destroy a competitor.
Germans were made to kiss the streets in America. Germans were beat with bats. Germans were monitored by the FBI.

We had one purpose after the Civil War, and that was to be the new slave in thee American West, were goddamn Indian terrorists raped and murdered us, but we were given land that the Nigger would not farm and told it was the promised land, but what it was, was drought, storm, locust and plague.

All these shit heads think America just happened. It was built by WHITE PEOPLE. Germans on the farms. Irish in the factories. Scandinavians in the forests. Poles and Slavs in the slaughterhouses and Italians at the docks. All of these Peoples were treated like shit. Laws were passed against them and signs were hung that they would not be served.

And after we made it, made it through wars we were drafted into, as Blacks sat on their asses fucking watermelons in the wood piles, we were told we were the problem. We were told that we had to give up the place, the money and the homes we worked for, for the Nigger, because Niggers were too goddamn stupid to make it in a real world. That Obama is the prime example of foreign shit that got to the head of the line by hook and by crook.

And talk of stereotypes, when Germans are not the worst thing since satan, then they are fat beer drinkers stupid as posts. Scandinavians are just weird with those accents, but hey you can fuck their blonde women as they are always hot. Italians are just stupid covered in pizza sauce and an Irishman is drunk 500 days out of the year.

So I call BULLSHIT as the Mexicans are now taking our place in thee American Genocide, and they are here because the goddamn Niggers wouldn't pick cotton, which is what the hell they were suited for.. And who is the dumb fuck again? The Nigger, being weaponized and posting shit about a Confederate Battle Flag, and they can't even get that right as that flag was never the Flag of the South.

If Whites would have been afforded the handouts in the trillions, instead of being stolen from, Whites would have colonies on Mars, Christian lands with Constitutions and responsible rights, as Germans make things work against all the odds.

Have Germans ever been thanked for changing the world for good in civilization? Hell no! Have Germans ever been compensated for all the things the worlds stole from Germany after the world wars which brought the world everything from nuclear science to paints? Hell no!

And what comes out of this, is more whining for the culls who could not make it in America when the deck was even. Niggers had the same shot at homesteads as Whites, but they never took them. Instead they just beat their feet on that Mississippi mud, acting like Obama, that a Nigger just being there was some accomplishment.

I don't want to hear any more Goddamn whining. Every American has had a shit show of a life and most made it without blaming others or giving up. Germans sure as hell never did and are still being blamed for the sins of people too stupid to take an opportunity.

Happy Fourth of July you worthless sons of bitches, and here is the promise, you are still going to be worthless sons of bitches, no matter what rainbow flag you got shoved up your gerbil asses, because you are worthless bastards and always will be.

BANG Showbiz

Go back to the shit hole you excreted from Sharon Osborne, as you are the trash which is wrong with this world

Nuff Said
