Sunday, August 30, 2020


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Recently I had a self loathing turd threaten me, and think her game was mockingly laughable, but the reality is, once they made contact on this blog and then contacted me, there is not any way of hiding they are to their soiled sheets.

I am not going to divulge how it is possible to track and move around these cryptoid "safeguards" which are sold to lemmings who think that this is their cloak to all kinds of things, but each of you should be aware, that you have an ISP or internet address and any device you are on, has a serial number which leaves a fingerprint wherever you go.

What is an IP address?

LAN IP Address

Each device, whether it’s a router, camera or NVR, has an IP address. IP addresses allow devices to talk to each other on a network. IP addresses are a combination of numbers, or a scheme that consists of 4 sets of numbers separated by “dots.” Each set of number is considered an “octet.”
Figure 1-1
An IP address scheme may look like a complex set of numbers, but the concept is quite simple. Think of each octet as a specific unit of a house address - first octet is the country, second is the city, third is the street, and fourth is the house number. A common LAN IP address scheme is 192.168.X.X. This means that for a router with an IP address of “” the first octet is “192”, second octet is “168”, third octet is “1”, and the fourth octet is “1”.

It does not matter if you are a Chinaman hacker or a troll, you all leave tracks, directly to your doorstep. The electronic fuzz you generate goes beyond the masks which people trust in. That is how the NSA tracks in one of it's forms.

So now you know what those odd numbers mean, they are just like a phone number and they trace directly to you.

Nuff Said
