Monday, August 31, 2020

The Jewish Prophet of Coronavirus

David Goldberg and his wife, Sheryl Sandberg, in Sun Valley, Idaho

Dave Goldberg dies at 47; Silicon Valley entrepreneur ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This will be of interest to the astute of the blog, as a Silicon Valley titan, Daivd Goldberg, husband of the brains behind Facebook, died on a family vacation in Mexico, when he fell off a tread mill and hit his head.

CBS was quick to point out in an autopsy that Goldberg had heart problems, which of course does not explain how you get our head bashed in, by falling off a tread mill.

New details of David Goldberg's autopsy revealed 

For those unfamiliar with David Goldberg, he was a feature on the internet, in exposing classified documents he came across, focused on Deep State Jewry. Yes David Goldberg is a Jew, but the revelations he released in his last statement are most interesting as to what the future holds.

David E. Goldberg Final Warning
Before He Was Eliminated

Shortened, Edited Goldberg's Final Warning Video Courtesy Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

The synopsis of Mr. Goldberg's revelations are that before all of this Coronavirus stuff, he was reading in classified Jewish Mosaad files that there was some kind of sickness which was going to strike America in the winter of 2020 - 2021. He said it was cover to eliminate problem people in America for what was going to be initiated worldwide.

The gist of this centers on two programs, as the Jewish intelligence has been tracking people who are not following along with the apple of god's eye. Goldberg states there are two programs.

Project Pogo
Project Zyphr

Pogo is tracking people who do not appreciate Zionism and it's implementation. The second phases is Zyphr, which is the program to eliminate those who are not of like mind and will resist. The cover will be explained as a mass illness. As we already have that, it is interesting, and as the serum seems to be a killer too, that is even more interesting.

There is to be the much spoken of economic collapse, and dissolution of government around the world to save everyone. The creation of a new currency, which is spoken of in eliminating cash money and going to e currency.

Goldberg states the projected number to be cropped is 15 million Americans.

He posted this and created fail safes in case something happened to him, as he had numerous security people haunting his home and he finally got tired of being under surveillance and confronted them, and then fell off his tread mill and got his head bashed in.

The even more interesting part in this, is the Shin Bet has offered Donald Trump the role of King of Jerusalem, as the world capital. The President was presented this and was thrilled with the idea, as Goldberg charges that Trump is a Jew and a Free Mason. Sort of explains why Sebastian Kurz and the Habsburgs were taken out in August of last year, but survived, as they are the titled King of Salem.

This all resonates in the Pope's union with Simone Peres, years ago, to turn Jerusalem over to the Vatican as a world capital. This has been in the works for sometime, and honestly, what would be better than a modern King Herod ruling jewry. Frankly, I would enjoy seeing Ivanka doing the dance that Herod's step daughter did as Ivanka is such a beautiful woman.

Anythng to get the 3rd Temple of Ezekiel built, this blog naturally agrees with.

Rense had a number of things linked for Mr. Goldberg in the things he discovered in the secret files
but as I do not have unlimited internet, that is your curiosity, not mine. As my computer just went odd in the links.

So I better get his posted.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
