As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If you desire to know where 87% of Coronavirus infections arise from, ABC just happened to mention where your dirty shit stained fingers and booger buried nails are infecting the hapless.
Now this blog told you this months ago, and here it appears in reality of cell phones are what is spreading this biological weapon in all strains.
Here is a retard guide you can print up and share with all your halfwit friends so they can protect themselves.
First we have Consuela the dirty Mexican with beaner baby on shopping cart.
Second we have what dirty Mexicans engage in while touching shopping carts and door handles.
Third we have hapless American without gloves touching shit stained shopping cart.
But hapless American has her mask so she is safe she thinks in not being a racist because she voted for Obama, woke and has a filthy Quadroon as a token friend of being woke.
Almost lastly we have hapless American, with her dirty fingers, dirty cell phone, as she just had to text back while shopping 300 times, that she has a fat butt because Donald Trump is President, and is now incubating a deadly shit stain Coronavirus biological weapon, because she is a shit snack eater.
Lastly, we have hapless lezbo having sucked on shit snacks, engaging in lezbo pervert sex, infecting others of her kind
So that is the story of spreading and catching Coronavirus USA.
You may now print this up and share as a teaching aid.

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