.........but I like to do it.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The one thing we can be certain of is that William Jefferson Clinton did not have sex with Thomas Jefferson's slave, Sally Hemmings. The reason this matters is that Ann Coulter sort of swings between having a bat shit fetish for Coronavirus and Negro sex.
There apparently is a Quadroon who says he wants to tear down Thomas Jefferson's statue as the droon says Jefferson fucked his granny as a slave. We have heard these stories long and hard, but I always figured it was one of Tom's children sampling the property. Sort of like George Custer was blamed for knocking up a Cheyenne squaw, when his brother Tom was around and unmarried.
It appears according to Bat Ass Coulter, that Tom Jefferson had a brother who sampled the stock too after the Mrs. died, and in this, it appears Sally Hemmings was the kind of woman who liked being sampled. She had a number of children and it is a fact that the first and the last were by different males, and the last one is probably Tom's brothers, and the fact is according to Colter that Hemmings stopped having babies once Jefferson's brother left the plantation.
Few people know that Thomas Jefferson loathed breed crossing in people. He also was a man who was deeply devoted and in love with his wife, just as George Custer would. This needs to be said, for facts are facts, in Niggers and Aboriginals were filthy. They had one costume of clothes, did not brush their teeth and wool and hides made the women riper than ..........California Joe once said Chinatown smelled worse than an Arapaho camp during buffalo slaughter.
It is a simple point in a civilized man could have intercourse with a woman who bathed and smelled nice or they could have sex with something that smelled like a dog kennel. Would you have sex with a meth head whore with rotten teeth who smelled sour as owl shit or would you prefer having sex with a centerfold? Duh of course you would have the thing without nits crawling on her hooter.
Now Bill Clinton fucked allot of whores and some pretty good snatch. He also fathered a Nigger baby which was his only child as Chelsea is Webb Hubble's semen donation.
I wonder in all of this where the pussy hatters are like that Judd woman. Where are her calls to extinguish John Kennedy's flame for his being a misogynist?
I don't see any of them FDR offspring calling for the tearing down of his monument for hating Jews and Niggers. How about that Martin King, where are his darkie relatives calling for the toppling of that statue of him, as he was banging the white chics with a passion.
All of this is uneven, and Coulter goes bottle blonde in making degrees like Nazis as to who gets to say what in priority like John Adams is top of the heap. My relative in Abraham Clarke of New Jersey had his kids killed during the Revolution. I think my say trumps Adams as Adams didn't do a whole hell of a lot but talk.
Adams like my relatives though did not fuck Niggers or father Mulattoes. I think I should get more points for that too.
I think Ann Coulter needs to apply the 3/5th rule to Niggers. As a CIA employee, she should get a whole point and as my background surpasses most of the cloth of the earth reading this, I should get like 7 votes or what I say outweighs most people, sort of like a security clearance, lets you hear sex tapes of Hillary and that lezbo Wiener woman, and not get killed.
I think there should be lowering of grades too. Like Bill Clinton is married to a lezbo and fucks Nigger women, so that gets him like 3/5ths too, like a Nigger in what happens. Someone like Obama should be like interest rates in negative, as let's face it, he is a foreigner, so has no vote, is a Nigger, another deduction, is a crooked commie, that really negates things and that Michelle.........I mean what the hell is that thing.......plus the current Obama is not Barack Hussein Obama, so being a stand in...........Obama is like wiping out the entire Black vote in America as he is so black hole.......leaving like only Tavis Smiley, Cornell West and Kayne West, who actually have accrued standing to like 1.75 voting, like Clarence Thomas.
So anyway, I know that just because your granny was a dirty whore, you don't get to say some American should not be honored, even if he is your Uncle. Jefferson never freed that whore and by rights the trillions them Blacks owe America for Affirmative Action, has then Negroes in debt to America, and it is about time they start paying back.
Like those fatties that marched on that Confederate Monument. There is enough fat in those asses to make like 5000 pounds of soap. I say suck that fat out of them Quadroon Lives Matter, and ship it to the ghettos and make then Negroes take a bath to clean up so Coronavirus will not kill them.
That is quite green and will do more for Blacks than aborting them in Planned Parenthood.
That is about all there is to say on an Ann Coulter subject as bat's asses and coon vaginas are really not a subject which one can talk about for long. Unless of course they are Bushman women, who have an extra flap on the fold, that a person can speak about for hours, if one has a slide show.
Here though is Coulter's writings as she apparently invested a great deal of research into Black sex.
1) Five years before Eston was born, a muckraking journalist, James Callender, furious with Jefferson for not making him a postmaster, started the rumor the president had fathered Hemings’ son Tom, which, again, the DNA proves he did not. So the theory is: Five years after being falsely accused of fathering children with Hemings, Jefferson went out and fathered a child with Hemings.
2) Eston was born in 1808, when Thomas Jefferson was 64 years old and in his second term as president. His brother Randolph was 52, recently widowed and unmarried. After Randolph remarried, Hemings had no more children.
3) Randolph’s five sons, aged 17 to 24, were also frequent visitors to Monticello when Eston was conceived.
4) While Jefferson was entertaining diplomats in the main house, Randolph would typically retire to the slave quarters for the evening. One slave, Isaac Granger Jefferson, described Randolph in his dictated memoirs thus: “Old Master’s brother, Mass Randall, was a mighty simple man: used to come out among black people, play the fiddle and dance half the night.”
5) There is not a single account of Thomas Jefferson visiting the slave quarters.
6) Nor did Jefferson take any interest in Hemings’ children. Randolph did, teaching all of Hemings’ sons to play the fiddle.
7) None of the private correspondence from anyone living at Monticello credited the rumor about Jefferson and Hemings — but several pointed to Randolph.
8) In private letters, Jefferson denied Callender’s claim, while admitting to a sexual indiscretion that would have been more shameful at the time: his seduction of a friend’s wife.
9) Jefferson’s private papers reveal his extremely negative views of miscegenation in terms so brutal they will not be repeated here. Suffice it to say that the idea of his fathering a child with Hemings is inconceivable.
10) Jefferson did not free Hemings in his will, despite freeing several other slaves.
11) The claim that Jefferson fathered Hemings’ children originated in the brains of feminists. At first, historians strenuously objected, but eventually decided the better part of valor was to cower under their desks and pray no one accused them of “racism.”
Nuff Said