Monday, August 31, 2020

The Fat - Ugly Hyphen

Ana - Violeta - Flores -Navarro-Cárdenas
 Fat enough for 4 Hyphens

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK, I stopped paying attention to talking heads, when the CIA Mockingbird degraded the hiring structure and were paying money to creatures which have Edward R. Murrow rolling in his smoke filled coffin.
That is when I was alerted to Anna Navarro on CNN, and saw her photo, I was like, "Yeah but she is no Liz Stewart". Liz was a hot Nicaraguan American who posed in Playboy long ago, and like 100 years later, she is still bone meal for all ages, in she is just a gorgeous woman who takes care of herself.

On the other hand beyond the Twitter pic, you have the real Ana who looks like she eats puppies in being so hateful in gazes.


The rest of me is behind the hyphen.


 Yes and here she is with Joe Biden, fondling the puppies  genitals as Ana smiles for the first time in probably discussing eating roast dog with Joe as she is from the 3rd world.

 Hot dog......with a real dog.

This is fats on The wide angle View, looking like that greasy swab they use in cannons to keep the barrel clean. This is after make up, so you know how much Max Factor was used up to get her white and to absorb the grease.
Yes this is what she looks like after the million dollar make up job.

 It is the 3rd world diet....

We now know something too. Anna Navarro is the one woman that Bill Clinton does not get wood over.
She is pasty white, whiter that beached whale Bill. You can see her hoping that Bill's hand will slip down, but after you had Pedo Island and Pedo Africa with Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton is only saying, 'Hey fat - ugly, can you get me Liz Stewart's number?"

 Hey hyphen mama, can you hook me up with Liz Stewart?

OK, OK, so you don't have to look up Liz, here is Liz Stewart, the most gorgeous Nicaraguan woman standard. All prime time.


The good news is for Ana Violeta Navarro-Cárdenas (née Navarro Flores; is that even fat -ugly hyphens can get a man, if you have a million dollar salary and he is so old that Coronavirus thought he died when Columbus got off the boat.
I mean it is one thing to like plumpers in more cush for the push, but you know what his looks like naked. The geezer is the Latina with the beautiful woman's body in bed and the hyphen is already grease sweat staining those satin sheets in never using them again, except to have the pound puppies sleep on, that you are eating that week.

I'm sure the dusk wedding was so the groom could not see what he was really being suckered into saying I DO for.

How can CNN have even the presence of integrity when their commentator has fake pictures up, which were apparently air brushed Caucasian and taken in some fat ass Michelle Obama photo shop to make her not look like the Goodyear blimp, as even she does not want the public seeing for whoring herself out, what she sees in the full length, getting out of the tub.
Look, I get it, it is a green thing in frumpers weighing this much, displace so much water that a gallon fills the tub up with them in it, but all the same, they do have stock tanks, and boxes of Tide to get the grease off these greasers, and circus tents to hide the show in the back  yard so we do not have to look at what her husband Gorilla glues his eyes shut to not see.

With that, Nuff Said
