Monday, August 31, 2020

The Cromoron: Dwayne Johnson

Shit Martha, here come them Cromorons, who are too
stupid to run from armed Police.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In this Obama Intifada, there needs to be a new species identification as these Afroids are getting a pass with the deep state press, and none of them get challenged on the fraud they are in mirror images of Designer Negro Obama.

The latest is this Dwayne Johnson, of fake wrestling, who was going to run for President and discovered no one would vote for him, like Kamala Harris in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord. Then comes this Kenosho Wisconsin shooting by police of another Goddamn Quadroon who can not obey Police.

For some reason, Blacks, when they have people with weapons drawn on them, and are ordered to hit the pavement, are like George Floyd the porn star, in they start raising hell in the back of vehicles. This latest Quadroon in Jacob Blake, had the cops called on him, had his kids in the vehicle, and instead of PROTECTING HIS CHILDREN with Police having their weapon's drawn, this Cromoron walks around the vehicle, then instead of obeying orders, opens the door, WHERE HE HAS  A KNIFE, and a cop blasts him, to the point of hospitalilzation, which we will be stuck paying for, along with cripple security all his days.
I mean cops cap a Quad seven times and the Quad survives? In my world the cops shoot people with 12 gauge shotguns with double OO buckshot. One round and it is funeral expenses. Our cops would even cut short free hooker sex, for the chance to shoot someone.

So in this world of snakeoil sneeker salesmen, Dwayne Johnson announces that he is postponing the debut of another Negroid tennis shoe, designed to suck up all that welfare and dope money the Blacks earn, Seriously, Kobe Bryan the rapist is dead. Michael Jordan sold enough bankrupting shoes to coon kids to last them a hundred years. The last thing Black kids need are more shoes to practice sports as no one wants to watch their rich sorry asses kneeling against America.

The actor and entrepreneur added, "Unbelievable we're here again. Shot 7xs. In the back. In front of his kids. There's no progress without humanity."

On Wednesday, the NBA announced all three playoff games would be rescheduled after the Milwaukee Bucks refused to take to the court for their first-round playoff series against the Orlando Magic. "We're tired of the killings and the injustice," Bucks guard George Hill told ESPN.

Honestly, only these Afroids are surprised we are here again as these Cromorons are the only species which invite being shot as they are so Goddamn Darwin candidate.
A Mexican sees a cop, they run like a Nigger to get away. Whites stand around and when ordered, eat pavement. Orientals just confess on the spot. But not the Blacks. No a Black after Obama's criminal reign, somehow has been brainwashed that they din do not have to listen to no one.
I honestly conclude these Blacks hope to get shot so they can get a big cash settlement. Most of them die, but that does not affect their 85 IQ thinking process.
So as there were Cromagnon humanoids, these Quadroons are the devolved Cromoron, as Cromagnons had sense to run from Sabertooth Tigers, Cromorons have no sense and do things to get shot. They are just stupid. Stupid as Dwayne Johnson whose marketing campaign aimed at Blacks, seems to be, that he wants to carve out the BLM Coronavirus carrier niche in marketing Granted Obama pays them to riot, so there is some cash there, as Johnson is pissing off the rest of America with his crocodile tear sermonizing, but I could see Johnson handing out free sneekers to dead Quadroons shot by cops, to bury them in style. Granted not many coons get shot anymore, so the market is in the living rioters and not much of a market as Blacks in majority want more of these cops around shooting these Cromorons.

The thing is I knew Johnson was a Quadroon, with roon kids, but I never paid attention as he can't act and he is just a  moron. Thing is, I looked him up and this faker dumped his Black wife, who stuck with him on his rise to money, and then he goes off and marries a White woman..........and you know she never married this Quadroon for love, but because of fetish and the Rock has the million dollar pay check. She will tire of him like Kayne West tires of that nutty Kardashian whore box, as it is just Cromoron for Dwayne Johnson to think a White woman is with him for him.

I will never watch pro sports again, and I will never watch or buy anything associated with these Quadroons. There minds of substance like Tavis Smiley, Kayne West, Cornell West, Clarence Thomas who have something to say, and who are not bilking coon kids out of money for sneaker sales, because the WWE White crowd which made Dwayne Johnson is not going to buy anything this Cromoron representing Cromorons will ever pedal.

Dwayne Johnson is like those other Cromorons, Howie Long from FOX or that dimwit Ben Affleck of destroying the Batman franchise. You can just see these turd brains working to think, and think that looking like they are thinking, instead of having just had an electric fart in their shorts, is going to impress people that they have something to add to the conversation.

No one in this world cares what Dwayne Johnson thinks, except his White wife conning him. No one wants whatever he is selling and no one goes to his shitty movies.

.........and this is the rapist, yes just like Joe Biden, this Jacob Blake, that Dwayne Washington, a father of daughters, is showing such compassion for.

Blake is accused in the criminal complaint, which was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home of a woman he knew and sexually assaulting her.
The victim, who is only identified by her initials in the paperwork, told police she was asleep in bed with one of her children when Blake came into the room around 6 a.m. and allegedly said “I want my sh-t,” the record states.
She told cops Blake then used his finger to sexually assault her, sniffed it and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men,” the criminal complaint alleges.

 Yes Jacob Blake, raping a woman, while her child is in bed with her to watch.

Way to Go Dwayne Johnson, what a coontastic thing you have tied your name brand to. I wonder if Dwayne Johnson's White wife gets regular checks from him, to see if she has been with other men.
