Monday, September 28, 2020

Assassinating Reagan's Corpse

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I just finished reading another excruciating book by Bill O'Reilly and his ghostwriter, Dugan something. I should have learned in Killing Patton, that O'Reilly has no information on the subject, but writes a book of filler.

When it came to General Patton, O'Reilly dove right into Patton committing adultery. With Ronald Reagan, O'Reilly had three subjects he could not beat the dead corpse of Reagan with enough:

1.Sex, sex that others had, sex, sex, sex. 
2. Reagan was a dimwit.
3.Nancy Reagan was a trampy bitch with zero humanity.

As you read those, I hope you asked yourself what does any of that have to do with the assassination attempt on President Reagan, by the deluded John Dinkley? None of it does, but it lays the realty that where John Dinklery did not succeed in murdering an innocent Reagan, Bill O'Reilly did his worse to assassinate Reagan in the grave.

O'Reilly was fixated on Reagan's dementia, which was brought on by anesthesia in the assassination attempt. Elderly people suffer a great deal from this, and it does kill many each year. Couple this with several more surgeries and examinations, along with a blow to the head in being bucked off a horse, and Ronald Reagan degraded to what was called Alzheimers.
The reality is though that Ronald Reagan's mind was sound, no matter what nasty coup plotters on his staff were engaged in, all for the glory of George HW Bush, who O'Reilly keeps saying had no idea any of this was going on.
Yes HW Bush had no idea of Iran Contra which was his sphere of responsibility and knew nothing of the Kennedy assassination, when the police took him into custody at the School Book Depository.

If Ronald Reagan suffered through senility and dementia as President, then perhaps every President should have a double dose to lift them to the successes President Reagan achieved.

- Lame Cherry

I have the greatest respect for Ronald Reagan. He was a child born into a drunken home. He put himself through college working in the kitchen. That escapes O'Reilly, as he says Reagan was a C student. Yes because he was working and did not have time for studies.
Reagan promoted himself as a sportscaster at WHO Iowa. He went to Hollywood and made it big.

He survived communists, but not the Studios or GE when they submarined his career for being an American Conservative. The last was Bobby Kennedy threatened GE with no government contracts if GE kept Reagan as a host.
Ronald Reagan survived his horrid first wife, Jane Wyman who almost destroyed him. To rebuild who he was after so many hardships, his wife, Nancy, assisted in being the force to make him believe in himself.

From that he became the Governor of California. He lost the Presidential nomination twice, once to Richard Nixon and once to Gerald Ford, but he remained steadfast against a media, a left and democrats and defeated Jimmy Carter, and by this liberated America for a time from big government and liberated hundreds of millions in Europe from the Soviet Union.

I could term Bill O'Reilly in names like pissant, for not writing another book on a historical figure, but trashing them. The fact is in O'Reilly's psychology, he does nothing but praise and make excuses for Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt, as he does for all democrats, but when it comes to Republicans, he trashes them. Let that soak in, in how you have been played all these years.

I will not be wasting any more 60 cent purchases on O'Reilly books in the trash bin, as he writes nothing of the subject, but leers off to what erection is in what vagina, as the lurid is what drives O'Reilly,

Yes, what William Holden having sex with Jackie Kennedy and teaching her the ropes in the bedroom had to do with killing Ronald Reagan, is something never explained in O'Reilly's book, but he and his ghost typer are fixated on this trash.

This is a horrid book which should be burned in mass, so it ceases to pollute the minds in the future of people who are dumb as posts in thinking this is Ronald Reagan. It reads more like Kitty Kelly.

Ronald Reagan was the greatest of Presidents. He ranks with the Father of America in George Washington and the resilient Theodore Roosevelt in epic accomplishment in directing the United States by the People, of the People and for the People.

Nuff Said
