Monday, September 28, 2020

The Nigger Baby Supreme Court Lottery

The President thought I was Black, because I have two Black babies.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful Appeals Court Judge named Amy Comey Barrett, whose destiny was fertilized by the decomposition of the evil Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as President Donald Trump tilled the political soils of Washington, and finally discovered a real Conservative, after appointing the feces scented penis worshiper Neil Gorsuch and the baby hunter in the vagina, Brett Kavanaugh.

 The beautiful ACB though had more than a Catholic heart, she had a Virgin Mary heart in she loved not only children, but children of lesser gods, for she adopted two Nigger babies as they were giving them away, as no one wants Nigger babies, and that is why they give them away.


It should be noted that ACB was not the first to give a home to give away babies. The lovely Cindy McCain, adopted a Wog baby, much to the delight of John the hero McCain.



It was like Cindy, is this a joke or what?


Much to the delight of Son of McCain, he did not bother to adopt, but instead opted to marry his own dark chocolate to extend the color chart of the McCain family.


 I used to buy darkies for a screw for a can of spam when I was in Vietnam.

Daughter Megan though had issues with the much loved Wog baby, as she started putting on the pounds like her sister, in trying to be like the beloved colored sister, but no one still liked Megan with even more of her to love.


 I prefer rotund.


This adoption thing is nothing new really, as Bill Clinton adopted the child of Webb Hubble that Bill's wife fathered when she was impregnated by Webb.




An adoptive father and daughter winning the Most Raped Women Prize of 2016.

Not everyone though can be as fortunate with White babies in having their wives impregnated by law partners. Some have to be more creative, like Chief Justice John Roberts and his wife, the wife, who were on vacation in Canada, when they got a phone call, that they were chosen to adopt, not a Nigger baby, not a Wog baby, but a White baby.


The Roberts story is really winning the lottery twice, because not only did a mother choose them to adopt their baby boy Jack, but immediately another White mum chose them to adopt a daughter, Josie.
I mean, two White babies, two White baby mums, both choose the Roberts the same time, both are pregnant the same time, and it is one of each, a boy and a girl, a ready made family.

See this is the ready made family.


Remember, we don't yell out Sieg Heil in public or no gummy bears tonight.


The Roberts have always been accused of a shady adoption deal in human trafficking though, as the first details which appeared, stated the children were out of South America. Obviously these two White children are not Latino, so if they came from South America, they are German Nazi offspring, and as German Nazi offspring are very valuable in they do not just give German Nazi babies away, in ready made families, it makes the point in just what price did John Roberts, or was it America had to pay for these German Nazi babies.

But then the story of the German Nazi babies takes another turn as the Germany Nazi babies adopted out of South America, suddenly became two Irish babies, which was convenient as the wife, is Irish, her mum is from Ireland, and the Roberts have a home in Ireland, when John is not being gay or selling out America for Obamacare and other liberal votes.

The problem is, below are what Irish children look like.



Cuntiballs Roberts eejit, the cute hoor crack on a hames ain't no paistí outside the pale.

The German Nazi babies of the Roberts human trafficking though do not look Irish, no more than they look like Nigger babies or Wog babies. No they are not Mic babies either, as these are pretty little Aryan babies.

Daddy had Barry Seals ship two Nazi babies while he was flying
a coke shipment up to Florida for Jeb and me. 


Not all families though can choose to win White babies. Some like the Obama's in his being bi sexual and it being a shemale, both quadroons, could not just show up at Hermaphrodites R US with two White babies and pass. No the Obama, he and it, were forced to adopt two quadroonettes who look nothing alike and nothing like their adoptive parents, but the Obama's can pull it off as to non Blacks, all Blacks look the same.

We love you just like expensive White babies.

So that is the story of post adoption America. Some people adopt give away babies, some are surprised by give away babies, some get babies as it is the only color that matches, and adopt babies and tell everyone they are Irish.


Cursed, foiled again AOC, we can't attack Whitey when they
got Nigger baby shields!


Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


