Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse was Targeted by the Obama Intifada

Glenn Beck interviews the Daily Caller's, Richie McGinniss

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In observing the planning behind these Obama BLM and Soros ANTIFA terrorism against America in the Obama Intifada, there is something in the Glenn Beck interview of Richie McGinniss of the Daily Caller which confirmed a suspicious the Lame Cherry has had.

McGinniss was in Kenosha Wisconsin for two nights. He stated that he had observed Kyle Rittenhouse the night before in a burned out riot section of the city. On the second night McGinniss, right before the attempted murder of Kyle Rittenhouse was engaged in, interviewed this child, and the child was asking people if they needed medical attention.

McGinniss in the above link on Gaytube, then stated the events he observed.

Kyle Rittenhouse, the boy, was retreating on the run. The action was flowing down the street. It was at this point that McGinniss stated that 7 shots were fired behind them. Rittenhouse turns, sees an ANTIFA thug charging him, and it is at this point that Rittenhouse opens fire to defend himself.

McGinniss in eyewitness testimony, stated that the ANTIFA thug had tried to jump the boy several times before the actual firing took place.

This is important as in the Soros and Obama training, none of this is by accident. They know which White People to target, meaning there are operatives lists and photos. With Kyle Rittenhouse on the scene the day before, it is a reality that he was selected out of the group of defenders, as everyone has seen this kid, in he looks like he belongs on Leave it to Beaver Kyle Rittenhouse was set up, to be beaten to a pulp or dead, because the ANTIFA did not expect this child to fight back.
The story was supposed to read, "White boy wets himself, drops gun and is beaten by Peaceful Protestors in Wisconsin".

The reason all legal hell has broken loose against the boy is because these thugs were the storm troopers who were trained and paid to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The message is being sent that if Americans defend themselves the will face the death penalty.

Somewhere in this in the NSA files and the FBI Stingray grabs are photos by ANTIFA of the defenders and the consensus that Kyle Rittenhouse was to be targeted. I am certain that this child was seen, photographed and the decision was made to attack him. That is why three of these confirmed criminal thugs concentrated on him. They had searched the entire night, waited for their opening, and when the time came, they went after this boy..

The Lame Cherry calls upon Attorney General William Barr to take Kyle Rittenhouse into protective custody, and launch a full federal investigation, and make it absolutely known, that anyone who attempts to charge this boy, will be prosecuted on the federal level for endangering a child.

When a trained journalist on scene, noticed this kid, ANTIFA knew he was around, and like a pack of wolves went after Bambi, thinking he was the weak link to exploit.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
