Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Loverboy John Roberts


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Word is circulating that Chief Justice John Roberts has been linked to the Pedo Express of Jeffrey Epstein.


Whistleblower Links John Roberts to Jeffrey Epstein.

As most of you are not aware of what was taking place with Jeffrey Eptsein, the reality is Epstein was a front man for Mosaad, to produce Crossfire Hurricane type entrapment on rich and powerful people, using sex.
This is who the Pedo Express operated, but there was much more to it.

Jizzy Maxwell, the lovely and beautiful Matahari of the Pedo Express, is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, who was quite murdered for trying to blackmail Mosaad and others to get out of financial trouble.

Future President Donald Trump, assassinated Senator John Tower, Mosaad katskas, Mike Wallace of CBS and MI6 Robert Maxwell

It has seemed strange to people that Donald Trump has several times wished Jizzy well, but if you have been paying attention to what this blog has been stating in who is behind the rising of Donald Trump, who is behind framing Donald Trump, you will comprehend that the Jews of Tel Aviv are divided into two groups, well actually 3. The main two players are Mosaad who were framing Donald Trump, and Shin Bet, which is the Tel Aviv FBI.
Robert Maxwell was working for MI6 and Mosaad. He was executed by Mosaad. His daughter, began working for Shin Bet. The Kushners work for Shin Bet. You know who silenced Jeffrey Epstein and you know why he was silenced.
Jizzy Maxwell was working an operation for leverage control and this same group is working for the protection of Donald Trump, the Kushner interest and King of Salem. (Look for that story from David Goldberg on this site in what Donald Trump has been enticed with as this is the dark horse side of all of this in what makes temples go forth in the working of Ghislane Maxwell in the JEWISH PROPEHT OF CORONAVIRUS.)

There is much more going on in this, and that includes the coup against Sebastian Kurz last August which this blog featured in Alyona Makarova.

Now that I have given you something to play with, play with it, as Bungholer John Roberts is of zero interest as his crimes have been recorded and noted. He is simply pathetic like all his shitty hole type along the Faustian way.

It is those "white" South American Ashkenaz babies which were procured.

Loverboy - Turn Me Loose (Video)

Nuff Said
