Wednesday, September 2, 2020

President Trump to Finish Mount Rushmore

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry whole heartedly agrees with President Donald Trump's vision to expand the Shrine to the Republic in Mount Rushmore, but goes beyond the inclusion of President Trump on the monument to America, to also include President Ronald Reagan.

New York Times: White House reached out to South Dakota governor about adding Trump to Mount Rushmore

There is more than enough room on the monument for the addition of these two great leaders and lovers of America and it is fitting that both be included. For those who are hesitant in this time of the Indian terrorists and Obama Intifada seeking to blow the faces of American Leaders off of Mount Rushmore, they should be persuaded in these points.

Either we put Americans on this Shrine to the Republic, or there is going to be some Goddamn Indian Asian Aboriginal murdering raping terrorist in Geronimo up there or some child molesting foreign birthed Designer Negroid up there like Obama.
Fill up Mount Rushmore, and that ends the shit smear which those who hate Americans, will desecrate this monument with, as they did Custer Battlefield with Goddamn Indian Asian Aboriginal terrorist murderers featured there.

I also advocate the renaming of Mount Rushmore to Mount Trumpmore, Shrine to the Republic.

It is time that Mount Rushmore be finished. Few know that the monument has never been completed.

The Great Sculptor Borglum, envisioned something which had never been accomplished in world history, in a monument being carved. Time and finances simply could not complete the work.

It is time now for President Trump to allocate funding to the Department of Interior, getting rid of the national gopher police of USFW, the park police, the BLM and all of these other wastes of taxpayer money and funnel it into the completion of Rushmore as Borglum envisioned and now including President's Reagan and Trump.

Money should be allocated to the destruction of the monument to the murderer of Americans, the Asian Aboriginal, Lunatic Pony. As  testament to God hating the terrorist, the monument to this terrorist will never be completed and is just a money scam fraud, as unlike the vision of Borglum, those behind the monument to terrorists in Lunatic Pony, built in a granite peak, desecrating it, but God knew, as God built in a soft vein, which would simply dissolve as it should.

So the Lame Cherry supports Donald Trump to finish Mount Rushmore as Borglum envisioned, with the inclusion of President Reagan and President Trump, with the carving up the terrorist monument to Lunatic Pony, with the granite being donated to the dead from the Chinese biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan, so that some good can come out of this horrid and dissolving carving.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
