Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Monty your Python

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am thinking.

I am thinking about the warped minds of Monty Python who were revolutionary in their comedy, but never approached the genius of Benny Hill.

One by one I have heard the Python Players, lament the though police who now have taken an intense disliking to things Python. This is of particular interest to me in Monty Python, when they were the liberals lampooning everything God and Country, for profit and popularity, but in those days it was all in fun, as Jesus was a big boy who didn't matter except to fools and America was just a money and blood pit to prop up that Queen Liz.

I think if John Cleese in that disgusting movie A FISH CALLED WANDA with that festering vulva Jamie Lee Curtis. Yes her body had every lezbo hot and every cock hot, including Cleese, and no one was paying attention that the billions Hollywood was handing over to American hating Marxists like Barack Hussein Obama (Say wasn't that Queen being felt up Birther Hussein so that Diana's stable boy could wed that Quadroon..........yes that all turned out so well) and they put into power this same community organized censorship which Cleese is now whining about.

John Cleese: Society Is Now Controlled By The Most Touchy, Emotionally Unstable, & Fragile People   zh

Cleese bitching about "touchy, emtionally unstable, fragile people", well who did he thing Graham Chapman was for cuck sake? One of the geniuses of Python was a most troubled soul as a sexual deviant!
Kevin Kline was another no talent waste of space whose only claim to fame was ruining Phoebe Cates career.

Sure there was nothing wrong with the Beatles doping up American with the counter culture, telling miscreant children to tear it down and inspiring Charlie Manson with the Helter Skelter song.....hell Paul McCartney is still up Michelle Obama's ass as Marxism is such a wonderful thing.
Say what was it Paul was saying, he used to sit in a circle with other pervs and circle jerk at pictures of actresses.  I mean what kind of complete losers can't get a real woman with fame and money in England, and sits around with the boys spewing spunk on the floor.

John Cleese created this goddamn Sodom and Gomorrah of this world. He made a fortune, got to fuck women he never would have gotten and now he is whining that all this shit that came out of his anus rape of civilization, is censoring John Cleese and his kind.

Gee, this ilk wanted to censor Jesus, censor Chirstians, censor Conservatives, and Cleese was silent to it all, as he never dreamed he was not funny, but a product of the Tavistock Institute as fake as the Russian Pissgate file manufactured by MI6. John Cleese was a patsy for this censorship, as he was the first wave and he never considered as George Orwell predicted, that the very dregs of humanity would one day turn on him, just as Stalin, Mao and Obama all turned on their own, once they were no longer needed.

What else is in England, there is that Ricky Gervis or whatever that fat little fuck's name is. He built his career on liberalism and now he is the great voice standing against the left. Then there is that Piers Morgan. What a complete twat who opened the door for the barbarians, but once the paycheck changed, he was busy to challenge all he was butt knickering before

John Cleese is a pussy. He was born in 1939, he is 80 years old, his life is worthless, and if he had any penance, he should pick up weapons of murderous destruction and obliterate all the wetware he created. Surely he could knock off the top 100 as he has celebrity access, before MI6 caught on. And what would the regime do? He is 80 fricksake years old. England doesn't execute anyone, so he is going to die in prison and an old sod like that is in prison already as he is a geezer for fricksake.

So if John Cleese has nothing but geezer gums gumming on the porrage, he should just keep his sloppy seconds mouth shut, as he caused this problem in the world and is not man enough to do something about it, but gimp gibber about how unfair his lunatic left is, which he was bending at the add for, for his entire career.

Nuff Said
