Friday, February 19, 2021





As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I was watching this old folks on Gaytube and he mentioned a CAD program called Sketch Up that Google used to make available.

I can not afford the current versions and who knows if this relic I am on that Bill Gates is not going to continue to tell me I bought a pirated Windows 7 version installed on here when I got this old D430 as it will not allow installs on anything now.

Anyway I love CAD and have been a fan of them for designs since they came out to the public. I put the old version here, as a marker, as I downloaded it and did not install it. I always have plans, and at least if I have it, I am going to file it to a flash drive, for future tense.
It is just easier putting links here than to try and find it removed from the internet as backwash.

Nuff Said


