No I shant show thee my peckerlip!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well it is now official in John Thune for Mitch McConnell is calling the Republican majority of 100 million armed Citizens the "cancel culture" for not bowing down and thanking Mitch McConnell for turning over America to Pedo Biden, and then for not agreeing with treacherous Liz Cheney and Ben Sasse types in celeberating their Republican Treason against Donald Trump in impeaching him.
Thune’s response is incredibly hypocritical, considering he indicated just last week that he was open to censuring Trump should the impeachment conviction fail.
“I know there are a couple of resolutions out there … I’ve seen a couple of resolutions at least that I think could attract some support,” he said.
It’s okay to cancel Trump but not Liz Cheney? What a rube.
I will admit that I do not invest any time contemplating John Thune, but it occurs to me what John Thune reminds me of.
You know on women how they have cunt lips? Well men have the same thing on the end of their penis only in a smaller form. That is what John Thune reminds me of, the small lips on the end of Mitch McConnell's fossilized Chinese port of entry penis.
Peckerlips Thune.
John Thune needs to be recalled immediately and replaced by the fine Lt. Governor of South Dakota who is Ronald Reagan Republican, and that is why Kristi Noem chose him.
Nuff Said
No one more time,
Peckerlips Thune
No John, you don't have peckerlips, you LOOK like Mitch McConnell's PECKERLIPS.
One more time.
Peckerlips Thune.