Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Time to Slaughter the 9 Million



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 While with all of the pandemics encircling the world, the following might not seem that attention getting, in the United States has a feral hog population of 9 million and it is growing and destroying wildlife.

US has an 'out of control' population of About
9 Million Huge, Feral 'super-pigs' expert says


Most of you due to sound USDA regulations on farmers, have no idea that pigs are Biblically filthy. It is why God wrote a law to not eat pigs. Pigs are close to humans in genetics, in fact it was pig insulin which saved many diabetic lives.
Pigs carry worms in their meat, and is one reason you are never to undercook pork or eat pork outside of the United States, so you do not get worms.

Pigs also have a host of diseases which humans can catch. You have heard of Swine Flu? That is just one pig disease which jumped the gap and caused horrific deaths. There are a number of diseases though humans can catch, which have already bridged the swine human gap.


There are 9 million carriers in the United States and it is only a matter of time before these pigs over populate and start spreading disease to domestic livestock and to humans. Pigs really are a dangerous and blood thirsty animal. 

These 9 million feral hogs are not spread out over the United States but concentrated in states like Texas and that expounds the problem of disease due to the numbers of disease carriers.

Pigs are immensely destructive to habitat, kill other animals, destroy nesting birds and will eat anything from bunnies to defiling springs. This animal should be exterminated from the United States, but then so should the wolf, the mountain lion and the worst of all the coyote, as they are all threats and dangers to humans, pets, livestock and crops.

With that said, nothing will be done, but the Lame Cherry told you this was a problem which needed to be exterminated in another Lame Cherry matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
