Thursday, November 5, 2020

Donald Trump to win Congressional House


But Congressional Sexpots should be allowed to cheat.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 With all of the vote fraud progressed by Joe Biden and his criminal cronies, a reality that this blog has exposed is that Republicans in Federal and State elections have been cheated too. What is of significance in this is Nancy Pelosi has done what Joe Biden has in bringing the House to ruins.

Republicans are currently in 19 races too close to call. 10 of those races are breaking Republican. If the GOP can produce four more wins in all of this vote fraud, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be not Speaker but just another washed up hack on the back bench, as her party revolts against her. 


It is vital in this that Donald Trump not concede to Joe Biden vote fraud and it is vital that the Republicans in everyone of their pending and "defeats" demand with the President not a recount, but to certify that every democrat vote was LEGAL.

That Omar Muslim in Minnesota was part of the massive vote fraud that stole Minnesota from Donald Trump. Her district gave her Saddam Hussein numbers. It is time that Congressional and Senatorial Republicans demand proof of legal votes.

14% of the millions of foreign vermin are voting in American elections, and they are voting democrat and it is time all of this is factored in. That factors into close to 14% of all democrats votes should be set aside as counterfeit as that is what they are. In that  there is not any need to sort through "legitimate" democrat votes. Just handicap the races like that, and take those votes from these criminal democrats.

Any Sec. of State who certifies these elections is a felon as the vote fraud was massive and widespread and is spreading wider every hour.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


