Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Historical or Hysterical Biden Slide



 It's why I wear a mask, I'm the Pedo Vote Crook

SUSPICIOUS: Minnesota, Wisconsin Both Had Unrealistic 89%-90% Voter Turnout - National File   nationalfile New Hampshire was reported to have experienced........for vote crook, Joe Biden.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 Trump: 'If You Count The Legal Votes, I Easily Win The Election!' - Sara A. Carter   saraacarter


 In what is really truly historical, Joe Biden with fewer Blacks voting for Black man Obama and fewer Latinos voting for Black man Obama, crushed Obama's record vote count by over 2 and a half million votes.

Obama’s record setting 69,498,516 votes. Joe Biden 72,162,429 votes so far. Yeah Joe Biden was “so popular” that he’s already over 2,663,913 from the Obama coalition with less % of black and Latino votes.


Does anyone really believe that Joe Biden got millions more votes that Barack Obama did in his landslide first term???
Jack Posobiec

They're now saying Joe Biden received more votes than Barack Obama's 2008 landslide


The problem is the holes in the Biden vertical spikes which has vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of votes appear in the wee hours of the morning, while everyone slept, and the problem is that Joe Biden received more votes in Michigan and Wisconsin than the native Democrats did.

To further complicate this Biden Slide is that Wisconsin had almost a million more voters than were registered, and in every case from 150,000 votes appearing in Wisconsin and Michigan, to 400,000 votes appearing in Virginia, Joe Biden is being awarded states that inside polling all showed that Donald Trump was going to win.


Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?


What accounts for this is fraud e voting software, which was programmed to give the "House" or Biden in this case, a percentage of votes for votes casts, while the down ballot votes were not part of the House program.

No one is going to fill out tens of thousands of Biden paper ballots and then leave the rest of the ballot blank. That would cause red flags. What is taking place is e voting, where the software flips a percentage of votes for Donald Trump to Joe Biden, as has long been reported takes place.


 Brandon Morse reported earlier about how Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced today that some counties in the state somehow forgot to click the “upload” button when submitting updated vote totals for their respective areas. Not surprisingly, the counties were blue counties.

What should also be sounding off alarm bells for all Georgia voters as well as the Republican party and the Trump campaign is that the number of votes “left to count” in Georgia conveniently keeps rising. Normally when votes are counted, the numbers left to count should be decreasing. Instead, they are going up in Georgia.


The situation in the courts is ridiculous. A Georgia Judge denied the reality that after the polls closed, witnesses saw a pile of ballots appear on absentee ballots already stacked there. The Judge ruled that as no one knew when the ballots appeared they were legitimate. That is not now voting works nor anything else. You just can't accept votes without documentation, unless if you are trying to steal an election which Joe Biden and hosts of the traitors are engaged in.


Judge Throws Out Trump Lawsuit Seeking To Halt Ballot Counting In Georgia   caller 



This is of particular concern as Georgia is reporting over 50,000 votes appeared overnight. 


GEORGIA: Number Of Uncounted Ballots Rises By 35,000 Overnight, Sparking More Fraud Concerns - National File   nationalfile 


 Votes are appearing in Pennsylvania too,  in the wee hours of the night, and in another Biden Slide, they are all for Joe Biden.


Another enormous 'batch' of 23,277 votes
in Philly are recorded...'ALL FOR BIDEN'
...Most Criminally Corrupt Election Ever

PA GOP senators call on PA Sec of State to resign


 This historical Biden Slide is amazing as democrats and fraud Republicans, are not just in this in the cities conspiring, but in rural areas, but where Joe Biden's votes appear to be counted, Donald Trump's votes have been "misplaced" and only appear after jail time is starting to loom on the horizon.

Hundreds of Pro-Trump Ballots Have Been
Recovered in Rural Michigan City


For those of you unfamiliar with voting. You just do not misplace votes. In paper ballots, they are even with machine counting, have Republicans and Democrats at your voting areas who monitor each other. Ballots are placed by the voter into a secure box, which is then secured when the polls close. It is then transported to the County Clerk's office, where it is signed over to that elected official and staff, where the votes are counted.
Ballot boxes are big things and heavy, so no one can misplace them. Ballots are quite large and in stacks, so no one can misplace them, as they are all placed at the same counting location. It is impossible for numbers of only Trump ballots to disappear, unless some felon sorted them out, and hid them.


Someone, and I repeat SOMEONE coordinated this, handed down orders for this, just as thorough as the DNC files that Seth Rich copied in 2016 AD which laid out Bernie Sanders faking it in losing to Hillary Clinton.

They will not have left a paper trail and have wiped their phones, but the coordination is in the NSA data collection, and when Joe Biden is saying they are going to win this and to be patient, he is a contact point in this. image Obama is a contact point in this or he would not have been out campaigning. Hamrod Clinton would not have crawled out of her bottle, grousing around for a cabinet post, if she was not in on this criminal conspiracy.

From the media going in on this, Rupert Murdoch of MI6 in London, this is intelligence coordinated. I would bet the paper trail as in Pissgate has tracks in Ottawa and London, and the fellow travelers who rolled this up, had a code for texted meet ups and everything was done wetware to wetware.


Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least
130,000 Ballots, ALL FOR BIDEN, Arriving in
3 Vehicles in Detroit at 4 AM - Felony Treason

James O'Keefe - Nevada USPS Carrier Caught On
Video Pledging Voter Fraud To Remove Trump
...Vote Fraud Across The US Is Clearly Enormous

Arizona voters file lawsuit to restore their ballots
That Were cancelled over sharpies

Watch - Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into
Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM Brought Into
SECURE Counting Area

Temporary contractor threw mail-in ballots For
Trump in The trash PA county officials say

You will hear a common theme and a righteous theme in this, in that Donald Trump wins this election with LEGAL votes. 14% of border busters are illegally registered to vote. There are around 100 million of these vermin in the United States. That is 14 million votes and it begins to assess how Joe Biden with fake ballots and flipped ballots spiked past historical Birther Hussein Obama.

White House - 14% of non-citizens in US are
illegally registered to vote


As this blog exclusively published, the DIA has watermarked ballots to authenticate them. The President keeps hinting at legal votes and he would not be engaged in this, if he did not know of a way to authenticate them easily, without tracking down every registered voter and asking them.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Proof of Biden Criminal Vote Fraud



Joe Biden's vertical line is a spike after the polls closed and Donald Trump was in the lead on election night. This happened in Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and as fraud votes come in to North Carolina, Georgia and Michigan, the President's lead is being eroded deliberately.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Biden's Vertical Line

President Donald Trump has an oath he swore to not concede to election fraud, from enemies foreign and domestic. The law states that foreigners can not vote in US elections. The last states that ballots must be certified. What Joe Biden has are around several million ballots of no record or appear out of crony precincts and just like for Saddam Hussein, they all go 100% for Saddam Hussein.

The Supreme Court is not the last word in this. They have no ability to remove or enforce anything they say. Congress has no authority in this either, save a vote to convict in impeachment, and that has nothing to do with forcing a sitting President to accept vote fraud which would be Congress colluding with criminals as accomplices. The only person who has a say in this is President Donald Trump, and it is his duty to root and and arrest those involved in crimes. The President can sign warrants for arrest. Abraham Lincoln had his cabinet signing warrants for arrest in another uncivil action in 1860 to 1865, and he deployed US Forces into States to arrest criminal politicians and put into place leaders loyal to America.

Donald Trump has won the 2020 AD in the year of our Lord election for President. The media, politicians and deep state operatives have colluded to overthrow those elections again. The President will only accept legal votes and any elections certified by these criminal Sec. of State in the various states are criminal acts and the President has the right as Chief Law Enforcement Officer to reject that fraud and arrest the criminals.

 It is time for the President to declare the polls frozen at closing, and only those votes which are legitimate will be accepted, and under his authority declare his victories in these States and begin the process of arresting mass the conspirators.


 I just got off a conference call with Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien.

This is his take at this time:

  • Donald Trump is alive and well.
  • The Trump campaign is alive well.
  • He is 100% certain Trump will win Arizona.
  • He says Georgia and North Carolina are closer than they would like to see but Trump will win them.
  • He says the campaign has confidence that Trump will win Pennsylvania but could be as razor-thin as 5,000 votes.
  • He says Democrats are lying, cheating and stealing. He provided this number 888 630-1776 to report any election irregularities. 
Deputy campaign manager Justin Clark, also on the call, says the chaos around late votes and late tabulations was specifically planned out for some time by Democrats in an attempt to steal the election.



This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter


Nuff Said

