Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Mike Pence, the bill is 3 years past due

I have come to Minnesota to speak liberty to the captives and declare
that liberalism is a disease like the Corona plague.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Pence Says White House Will Not Tolerate Social Media Censorship of Conservatives

The Vice President did not provide details regarding what form the Trump administration’s opposition might take, but the Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend, anonymously citing “people familiar with the matter,” that the White House was mulling the creation of a commission that would evaluate claims of anti-conservative bias.

Ah Mr. Vice President, this is  the Lame Cherry. Google has blocked searches for this blog. Facebook has my account in limbo reviewing it yet..........and your Jared Kushner leaked to Conservative Treehouse, tried to blackball me in 2016 to control the entire Conservative narrative.

It is a fact that you have done nothing but tolerate social media, internet NSA backed and funded platforms in censoring this Conservative Christian blog.

You seem to have forgotten about the forgotten man, and in this case the poor orphan girl who put you and Mr. Trump into the White House by writing the time line to make you Vice President and Mr. Trump, President.

Yes God works miracles Mr. Pence, so how about you doing something miraculous and showing how much you appreciate your elevation to power due to the Lord working on this blog, as you certainly gave the store away to Katie Walsh and her semen donor, along with the rest of your cash cows.

Nuff Said


Diagnosed: Joe Biden has Chronic Alzheimers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Watch the digital clip of Joe Biden in this CNBC feed. Pay attention to Biden blinking. He blinks around 13 times in 4 seconds. The reason a human blinks, is due to a new thought.

Joe Biden is blinking 3 times a second, meaning his mind is having to refocus on a new word or he is having to refocus his thoughts on one main point, to form a sequence of words. What you do naturally with 1 to 4 sentences in explaining your thoughts, in blinking once, Joe Biden is struggling to keep his attention focused, second by second.

This is forensic definitive proof that Joe Biden has severe brain degradation.

Jill Biden is responsible for this as she is well aware of how bad this situation is. Joe Biden is struggling. He can not maintain a thought as he says he is going to defeat Joe Biden.

Joe Biden should no more be President than trusted with a grandchild.

Nuff Said


LESBIAN SCORNED: Take two Pussies and call Ann in the Morning

...are my measurements, and my vulva weighs a feathery, 22 ounces.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My goodness, what do we make of this.

There is deep state Ann Coulter with the starved to death pussy, as everyone knows when a woman is that skinny, that a pussy is always unhappy in chafing to the dildo and rubbed sore thonger undies. Yes a fat pussy is a happy pussy, and Ann Coulter is one unhappy cunt.

Coulter Unloads On Trump - Calls Him 'Most Disloyal, Actual
Retard' Ever To Be President - Adds That He Is A 'Blithering
Idiot' A 'Moron' And 'Lout' And Regrets Once Believing In
'This Shallow And Broken Man' And All Of HIs Promises

You may remember that Ann Coulter, mocked all Republicans, Conservatives and Christians for not believing the communist Chinese liars, that Coronavirus Wuhan did not come out a bat's ass. Coulter went really deep state, was exposed as a complete intellectual fraud, or more to the point, she has no idea what microbiology is, as she probably thinks it is something to do with midgets having bi sexual relations.

Now though Coulter has struck again, the Log Cabin Lezbo scorned. She is on a Trump hate, and after all she did for Donald Trump in, going on Bill Mahr one time, and being laughed at for saying Trump would be President. Never mind Ann was told to do this from those on the inside, as any woman who thinks a bioweapon comes out of a bat's ass, is just sucking on the wrong end of the whore's 30 pieces of silver.

What Ann is raging about in lesbo fumes if Donald Trump is not taking her calls. You know she said she wanted to be Attorney General and Donald Trump was not going to be deluded grandly in having this flaky female around.
Do any of you think if Ann Coulter was AG that she would have been bright enough to have appointed US Attorney John Durham to get to the bottom of Russiagate? The DOJ would have been a disaster, even larger than when Jeff Sessions decided to hide under his bed. By Coulter's phone calls not being returned by the President, she probably would have indicted Donald Trump for having orange hair.

Lord, every man can hear in Ann Coulter the screaming messages and ranting phone calls of that weird girl they dated, and discovered too late she was a psycho, who simply would not let go.
One can not though take Coulter seriously as stooping to the words "retard, idiot, moron, lout" are what hormone females  resort to like wives with PMS at that time of the month always accusing the hapless sucker that "he is just like his mother".

If anything in this Coronavirus plague, Donald Trump has proven that he is not shallow nor broken. He brought a business model to this plague, took bold steps and is still taking bold directions. He is far more astute than Lincoln ever was, is less pompous than Woodrow Wilson and is not conniving as Franklin Roosevelt. Donald Trump actually does not hold grudges as Obama did, in Obama would let people die from oil spills, floods and plague if they did not vote for him, Donald Trump actually treats everyone with the same treatment.

So Ann Coulter has her thong in a knot, apparently she has been rebuffed as unnecessary this time around in 2020. She probably sees that pretty and intelligence White House Press Babe mopping the floor with liberals, and thinks she could be that girl, and called up someone to tell Trump that Ann was ready for her close up.
Trump knows who pays Ann Coulter's bills. He has marginalized all the trolls like Ben Shapiro and that Jonah Goldberg who can only sit by the hole and howl coyote style. Like Lincoln though, it has taken Trump 3 years to clean out the duplicitous in his sphere.

Ann Coulter just gives lesbians a bad name. After Rosie O'Donnell bit it, and that odd Debra Messing, lesbians have had enough  to deal with, but here comes Ann after her magic bat ass tirade against the right, joining fatty Meghan McCain in not liking Donald Trump. It is amazing how many fat ugly women do not like Donald Trump and have jumped onto the Joe Biden train.

I seem to remember the good olde days when Sean Penn had his Ann Coulter doll and was burning her pussy in effigy like the commie nut he was, and telling people he did things like that. Robin Wright must have had some interesting sex with him, but now Ann Coulter is the one with the lit cig smoking it out of her pussy and blowing the flames at the President.

What really has to enrage Coulter is Donald Trump's Dan the Tweet, does not even mention Ann as worthless, so you really have to be worthless to not even be mentioned as worthless.

Look, Donald Trump cut me loose after this blog by God's Grace wrote the time line for him to be President. I never had any deals with him, but I took him at this word. I never went woman scorned when I did not get my way, I simply pointed it out in satire and data  where the President had failed MAGA. Donald Trump is none of the things Ann Coulter is menstruating about.......if she still can at her age, in fact the President got his footing faster than most and was the equal to Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower in understanding how to be President. Trump did it though with a coup trying to impeach him, and they are still at it to destroy his re election.

I just believe in honesty and getting mad and calling Donald Trump names, solves nothing, as Donald Trump does not need a bitchy woman wanting attention when he has Melania upstairs with those large comforting breasts.

Ann Coulter is really finished. She is old and is going to look like Hillary Clinton's mummy after another four years as she will not age well, and after you get rid of the looks, which were not there to start with, no one is going to want to buy a book or put her on television to screech. There are always younger and prettier, who are smarter to take the place of the old lezbo and the View is not Ann's crowd as McCain has fatted her out of the chair.

Ann Coulter has been used up. She should go quietly into the night, surrounded by the Obama fags she voted for. Maybe if she eats something she can get some greaser boyfriend to be her beard and at least have some purpose in life, because the fact is, Donald Trump is President. He is going to be President for more than 4 years, because his children and those loyal to the Trump legacy are going to be writing the checks, and in those checks, none will be signed for Ann Coulter as she is increasingly being exposed as the very things she rants at the President, "retard, idiot, moron, lout".

She is a cunt though, as she is the definition of that. Get a fat cunt Ann. You will be happier and not expecting the married, most powerful and successful man in the world to want you.

Nuff Said


Le Juif of War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo, the Chinese Embassy in France tweeted and then quickly deleted an antisemitic image showing the U.S. as a grim reaper wielding a scythe portrayed as Israel.

The Lame Cherry apologizes for the above incorrect racist Chinese communist propaganda, for when this poor orphan girl read US, and this was the Chinese Embassy in France, this poor orphan girl thought it was the collective US as in the French Oui, and therefore this poor orphan girl correctly assumed that as the French socialists and Jew socialists are joined in various projects like bombing Muslims in Syria, that the Chinese were correctly showing this nefarious alliance, because we all know the United States is independent, sovereign, and would never support the Jews with economic aid nor start wars for the Jewish interests.

Reports: China to deploy 2 aircraft carriers after 'brink of Cold War' with US warning   americanmilitarynews.com 

We now return you to the state of war between the United States and China, and Chinese communist racism and anti semitism against those international perpetual victims, the Jew.

Let us sing, as this is so stressful

Nuff Said


Notes on Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In studying this Coronavirus biological weapon,  I have been puzzled by it's numbers. This entity does not behave as it should. It should have a data curve of rising in infection rate due to incubation, and once it infects a community it should fall off rapidly, like an inverted U. Instead this entity beats like an EKG heart pulse as if it were alive. All the while it pulses, it instead across the world, produces something that looks like this.

The numbers would run something like 50 infections, then hundreds, then thousands, then a drop off to 1500, then 1000, after peaks and valleys, and then it produces a protracted leveling of 500 cases.

What I believe the data concludes is something I came across in the Soviet Union, which had an anthrax weapon's lab, which blew up. The spores blew on a city, and instead of wiping out the people, it instead killed, but the weakest first. As the stronger were worn down from winter, these spores then infected more waves of people. It came to a point, 3 months out from the orginal exposure that cases were still appearing.

Rabies which is an RNA virus like Corona, has a latent ability too. No matter what the experts state now, the experts once noted that rabies hibernationed in skunk fat cells. When under stress from over population or drought, the skunks used up fat cells and the rabies virus would appear.

This Lame Cherry firmly believes this is what is behind areas where hot zones appear, as Sioux Falls South Dakota burned from one dirty Mexican, to over 3000 cases, with a high death rate in these foreigners. Like Italy, once the virus burned hot, it kept infecting and killing, even under quarrantine, which is near impossible under isolation, as even infected people spreading diarrhea shit over everything, can not infect the entire community to outlier positions.

The answer is, that this virus is orally ingetsed, and in most people it infects in 5 days to 2 weeks. There is another group though which infects in waves of succeeding weeks. I believe this is why tracking was stopped, as the experts knew this virus was latent like Lyme Disease, another biological weapon, which lays dormant too in the body and will not show up in testing.

I firmly believe this virus burrows into protein extensions in the human body and does not begin replication until a stress level is reached. Hidden in this entity is a trigger and I conclude it is PH levels in the body, and once it notes the right acidic stress level is in the body, it begins infecting in mass. This is why Chloroquine works on this virus with zinc, in Chloroquine changes the PH level in the cells to a base, and absorbs zinc into the red blood cells, which kills this virus.

I know that there will not be any donations from the rich over this, nor any Nobel Prizes, not even a Prez Medal from Prez Don, but this is what the data points to. Coronavirus is latent in some humans for weeks to months and then becomes active.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater.

Nuff Said


The Nuclear Armed Coronavirus

Trump had been warned. Obama was serious when he told him not to bring on Flynn. The new president’s hand was forced, and the national security adviser left the White House on Feb. 13. Within the year, prosecutors from Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation threatened to charge Flynn’s son with lobbying violations if he didn’t plead guilty to making false statements to the FBI.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to tell you something which your wee minds will not be able to comprehend, as it is apples and oranges to you, but when Obama's holdover officials imported Coronavirus into the United States and spread it with open foreign flights, it was not to just "get at Donald Trump", but it was all connected in degrees of separation to Michael Flynn and the Obama Iran Nuclear arming deal.

Michael Moore: The only way Trump wins in 2020 is if he 'cheats'   thehill

There is a wonderful investigative novel by Lee Smith, which was featured on the Tablet, which details the "behind the curtain" pieces of this puzzle of Russiagate, Impeachement, Coronavirus, and why Birther Hussein risked everything to give nuclear arms to Iran, and protect that policy by destroying General Michael Flynn.

 It sounds insane, until you know the reason behind the nuclear arming of Iran, which is illegal, as Obama's deal with Iran, grandfathers in at the end of this year, the Iranian nuclear arsenal and provides for their full production. This is what has been hidden in the John Kerry and Iranian Negotiations which they never wanted made public. Lee Smith though details how the things Donald Trump and his associates endured, had been perfected by Obama several years before in his spying on Congress and the Supreme Court, just as Obama had targeted the Tea Party using the IRS and later Jews using the NSA.

How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign

When I say Jews, this Lame Cherry has tried to explain in this blog, that not all Jews are the same. There are Tel Aviv Jews. There are American Jews. There are Marxist Jews. There are banking Jews. There are the Mosaad Jews. There are the Shin Bet Jews. Each faction serves a purpose, but at times when it came to the United States, John Kennedy ended up assassinated and times like Russiagate where Mosaad was working for Obama and Clinton against Donald Trump, and the Shin Bet groups which were Benjamin Netanyahu and Jared Kushner.

How does this involve Michael Flynn? It all goes back to the cheering of Jews on 9 11 when the Twin Towers were hit.

General Michael Flynn is a Democrat. Under George W. Bush, he arose to prominence, as the Bush team of coup plotter Colin Powell and Dick Armitage, had made an absolute disaster of the Iraq and Iran successes, in America was about to loose the peace due to terrorism supported out of Iran in IED's slaughtering Americans.
One man was chosen for this job to gain intelligence in the Muslim world, and that was Michael Flynn.

Flynn is a savant when it comes to intelligence gathering. He built a complex network in Iran and Afghanistan, which plotted the interactions and motives of everyone. It was this intelligence base which he built, which allowed Sec. of State Condi Rice's surge to obliterate the forces against America. Flynn provided the intelligence, so alliances were formed, bribes were given, and the must resisted surge by George W. Bush before Obama was installed was a success, as Obama was busy "fighting the war we should have fought" which Obama handed over in Afghanistan.

For his success, Michael Flynn was appointed head of Defense Intelligence Agency, the military CIA. It was here that the Democrat Michael Flynn was the lone Patriot in Obama Inc., because Flynn went to work protecting America, and immediately recognized that the Intelligence Community was in need of a major reform. The coup against Donald Trump began in 2012, and you must understand that this centered all on the 2011, fake execution of Shiek bin Laden, which Obama undertook with the Chinese providing the body, in response to two men questioning Obama's legal status to be President in Jerome Corsi and Donald John Trump.

Obama was furious over his being outed as illegitimate, even after Obama published he was an expired British subject. Obama has a Messiah Complex, but he also has a Quad Polar brain psychosis, in he was obsessed with "beating American Presidents".
Obama wanted to be FDR in Obamacare rationed death. Obama wanted to be Jimmy Carter in undoing the Iranian hostage fiasco, so Obama created Benghazi where he was supposed to rescue Chris Stevens, but was betrayed by his Iranian backed terrorists. Obama wanted to be John Kennedy, so got Teddy Kennedy to mantel him, and Obama wanted to be  Ronald Reagan, more than anything, he wanted to outdo George HW and W, Bush, and that meant getting Ossama bin Laden, and that meant Obama wanted to become the godfather of the Mideast, the way Ronald Reagan became the liberator of Eastern Europe.
The problem with Obama as a godfather, he murdered the leaders, caused civil wars, and put into place Marxist communist terrorists who were all oil laundering criminals, hence ISIS was Obama's Kurdish bastard in Syria, armed with Libyan weapons, trained in Jordan and supplied by Turkey.

So Obama struck the bin Laden corpse in 2011, and from that came a trove of documents from the bin Laden home, which the CIA had catalogued and referenced, but NEVER READ. As this was a military operation, the DIA Director Michael Flynn appeared in 2012, with the wonderful intelligence structure which General H. Norman Schwartzkopf developed at Central Command, and appeared at CIA and ordered them to hand over all the documents as Michael Flynn was building a complete intelligence picture for Centcom, in what the terrorists in the Mideast were really doing.

That is when things started to blow back, as the NSA and CIA, both told the DIA that there was nothing there as they had read everything. Flynn though kept pushing for all the data as his people began zeroing in what the bin Laden files really had in them.

In 2012, he was named DIA chief. The next year he secured access for a team of DIA analysts to scour through the documents that had been captured during the 2011 operation to kill Osama bin Laden.

“The bin Laden database was unorganized,” says a former senior DIA official. “There had been very little work on it since it was first captured. The CIA had done machine word searches to identify immediate threats, but they didn’t study it for future trends or strategic insight.” Flynn arranged for a team from United States Central Command, based in Tampa, Florida, to come up to Washington. The subject of their investigation was a potentially sensitive one. “We were looking for ties between al-Qaida and Iran,” says Michael Pregent, a former Army intelligence officer who was working on the bin Laden documents as a contractor. “We’re arguing with everyone—NSA, whoever else—telling them what we wanted and they kept saying ‘there’s nothing there, we already went through it.’ The CIA and others were looking for immediate threats. We said ‘we’re DIA, we’re all-source analysts and we want everything to get a full picture.’”

The full picture for Centcom and the DIA though would not emerge, as just as they were obtaining the data, a directive appeared which shut down the entire tallying of information. It came directly from Obama's extension at NSA in Susan Rice and CIA Director John Brennan. The two names who ran the operation out of the White House to frame Michael Flynn.

Just as the CENTCOM team was preparing for their trip to Northern Virginia, they were shut down. “Everything was set,” says Pregent. “we had our hotel reservations, a team of translators, and access to all of the drives at the National Media Exploitation Center. Then I get a call in the middle of one of the NCAA basketball tournament games from the guy who was running our team. He said that [CIA Director John] Brennan and [National Security Adviser Susan] Rice pulled the plug.”

It what was in the data base of bin Laden which is what Susan Rice at NSA and John Brennan at CIA were hiding, just as they hid the Russians were backing Hillary Clinton. In the bin Laden files, were exactly what the Iranians have admitted in public, in Iran literally in exchange for al Qaeda murdering Americans from Afghanistan, would facilitate terrorist movements through Iran.  As Obama was working his "giving the bomb to the Shia", this reality would have shut down any billion dollar bribes to Iran and would never allow Iran to possess a nuclear arsenal.
There was also a ghost of Coronavirus in the bin Laden papers, in Iran was allowing al Qaeda to use Iran to work on chemical and biological weapons. The very thing that George W. Bush stopped in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, was going full bore in Iran with al Qaeda, in the group which struck on 9 11, and Obama, Rice and Brennan were hiding this intelligence.

The administration was, it appears, clearing space for Obama to implement his big foreign policy idea—the Iran nuclear deal.

According to published news reports, the bin Laden database included “letters about Iran’s role, influence, and acknowledgment of enabling al-Qaida operatives to pass through Iran as long as al-Qaida did its dirty work against the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan.” One of those letters showed that “Al-Qaeda was working on chemical and biological weapons in Iran.”

From this Obama went on the full press to get his nuclear Iran through Congress, and his first target was the Jews in America to get them on board. AIPAC was in full support of leftist Obama, and that should resonate why AIPAC or JewPac was the platform which first tired to infect Donald Trump with Coronavirus.
Obama lied to AIPAC and they wanted to believe the lie from their Marxist Obama, so the Jews began pressuring Congress. The problem was that all Jews were not on board.

AIPAC’s leadership trusted Obama to do the right thing. They described him as a great friend of Israel and assured themselves he wouldn’t put the Jewish state in danger by giving the bomb to a regime that regularly called for its destruction.
Jews began noticing in the United States, that in their groups, they would form policies, and before they would start, Obama would respond to those policies to thwart them. Moles inside the American Intelligence Community began alerting Jews in a broad enough Mosaad stance, that they were being spied upon, that it was common knowledge among Jews that they were being monitored.

This is where the first problem arose, as Jews were being spied on, and those Jews were talking to members of Congress, meaning the Obama Inc. understood that they were listening to private conversations with US Officials in Congress, but instead of stopping, the Obama Inc. used the information to begin pressuring Democrats to sign onto the Obama arming of Nuclear Iran.

American legislators, and pro-Israel activists. Noah Pollak—formerly head of the Emergency Committee for Israel, a nonprofit organization that opposed the nuclear agreement with Iran—says, “I was warned that my conversations with senior Israeli officials were possibly being monitored.”

Speaking to me for my 2019 book The Plot Against the President, Pollak said that “the administration did things that seemed incontrovertibly to be responses to information gathered by listening to those conversations.” He continued: “At first we thought these were coincidences and we were being paranoid. Surely none of us are that important. Eventually it simply became our working assumption that we were being spied on via the Israeli officials we were in contact with.”

administration’s domestic espionage operation. “The National Security Agency’s targeting of Israeli leaders and officials also swept up the contents of some of their private conversations with U.S. lawmakers and American-Jewish groups,” explained writers Adam Entous and Danny Yadron. “That raised fears—an ‘Oh-s— moment,’ one senior U.S. official said—that the executive branch would be accused of spying on Congress.”
Obama knew he was spying on Congress and Americans Jews who did not agree with his nuclear Iran policy. This projects to the persistent reports why John Roberts rewrote Obamacare and voted for it, because from this insidious spy ring, Obama had moved from Hutatree set ups of the innocent to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

It was in this Obama fellow travelers echo chamber out of the Mockingbird CIA and FBI counter intelligence operational funding of reporters in the United States, that the network which was featured in Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's leaks to frame Americans, was first in operational mode.  The entire Clinton machine of like minds, had become weaponized with the CIA, NSA and FBI funding of propaganda, was now being unleashed to smear anyone who was against the Iran deal.

This should resonate familiar over the stories about Coronavirus and Chloroquine. This is the Obama Deep State still in motion, and using Corona as another coup against Americans, by getting them killed.

Among the handful of honest reporters covering the deal, most didn’t have enough information, time, or energy to continue fighting a wall of static noise. And that was the point of Obama’s media campaign—to drown out, smear, and shut down opponents and even skeptics. Thus, echo chamber allies purposefully obscured the core issue. The nature of the agreement was made plain in its “sunset clauses.” The fact that parts of the deal restricting Iran’s activities were due to expire beginning in 2020 until all restrictions were gone and the regime’s nuclear program was legal, showed that it was a phony deal.

The year is currently 2020 and the bogus Obama Iran Deal in it's arming of Iran with nuclear weapons is about to manifest. The Jews who were against it have been destroyed. One of Obama's most hated Shin bet operatives was Benjamin Netanyahu, and this explains why the DIA and Jared Kushner, became the supporters of Donald Trump to undo what the Obama regime had put into place.

They called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “chickenshit.”

All of this centers on the literal lunatic that Barack Hussein Obama was in life. That he wanted to become Ronald Reagan or any American, as he never was an America. This Lame Cherry will note that a game change took place in June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, after Obama shoved his nuclear rewards program through, as those forces struck legitimately as Obama had endangered the entire world. Readers will know what that date means, and how Obama changed after that, as he was a different person, who spoke, looked and acted different from the original.

The push by Obama was to make America, a Shia asset, and not a Jewish Saud Sunni ally.

“Obama wants this as the centerpiece of his legacy,” an American diplomat told the press in Vienna where Secretary of State John Kerry and his team came to terms with the Islamic Republic. “He sees himself as a transformative president in the Reagan mold,” said a former Obama adviser, “who leaves his stamp on America and the world for decades to come.”

John Kerry was keen to turn the State Department into Iran's Chamber of Commerce.

As Obama was assembling for a perpetual line of his fellow travelers to be put into power around the world, including the United States. Michael Flynn appeared, and was about to expose this criminal enterprise, and undo everything Obama was installed into 1600 Penn Avenue by globalist interests out of Europe for.

All Obama was, Obama was the flexible man of Moscow in Washington DC, helping Moscow become the very wealthy monopoly controlled dispenser of nuclear material in the world. That is what LaVoy Finnicum's murder was about by Special Agent Gregory Bretzing. The Mormons had no idea they had stumbled into an international uranium syndicate of the elite.

Russia was backing Obama for the Iranian nuclear deal, as Russia was being paid for the uranium which was soon to come from American mines.

Flynn not only made it clear that he wanted to undo the Iran Deal, he also broadcast his determination to find the documents detailing the secret deals between Obama and Iran, and to publicize them. With Flynn on the march, the outgoing administration was keen to shield the JCPOA. Obama diplomats consulted with their European counterparts and gave the clerical regime more sanctions relief, even after the Senate agreed with a 99 to 0 vote to renew the Iran Sanctions Act. Kerry called his Iranian counterpart to tell him not to worry.

Notably, Russia weighed in on the Obama team’s side. It would be “unforgivable,” according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, if the incoming Trump administration forfeited the JCPOA. The White House agreed to let Russia export more than 100 tons of uranium to Iran—enough to make more than 10 bombs, according to some estimates.

The following you will see what this blog has exposed as the Jew Wars, the Mosaad Obama Marxists against the Shin Bet Netanyahu Kushner Nazis, for control over America.
 The progaganda was well rewarded in advancement and prizes, like Obama's Nobel Prize joke. Those who destroyed Michael Flynn in the press, were rewarded for pressing the fake Russiagate narratives.

 A December 3, 2016, New York Times article portrayed Flynn as a martinet who brooked no disagreement, and insisted his subordinates corroborate the intelligence assessments he sought. In his worldview, wrote the Times, “America was in a world war against Islamist militants allied with Russia, Cuba, and North Korea.” The piece carried the bylines of Matthew Rosenberg, Mark Mazzetti, and Eric Schmitt, with additional reporting by Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt—reporters who would share in the Times’ 2018 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting on the Russiagate conspiracy theory.
For two years this Obama spy ring had been breaking the law, and it is why Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were comfortable with the leaks, the smears and the arrests, as this was standard operating procedure out of Obamaland. What had began as an operation to arm Iran with nuclear weapons, in order to protect that operation in shifting the balance of power to Shia, which number in the billions, now became a coup operation to destroy General Michael Flynn was about to overhaul the entire Intelligence Community and fire hundreds of these political minders who were making police again the United States.

It was in this early December 2016 period when the Iran deal spying and media operation merged into Russiagate. The structure of the two operations was identical—only some of the variables had changed. Opponents were no longer tagged as Israel-firsters, now they were Putin assets. The message, however, was the same. Opponents are not simply wrongheaded, or mistaken, or even dumb—rather, they are disloyal; agents of a foreign power.

 Michael Flynn was the problem to the Obama overthrow of the United States, and he was spied upon without any reason, and then set up. When the time came for Michael Flynn to be made a criminal, James Comey appeared as the Robert Mueller protege out of the FBI, to either trick Flynn into admitting he was a spy or to trick Flynn into saying he had lied to the FBI. It was the last trick of the old "lying to the FBI" which is what put the noose around General Flynn's neck, but he never knew he was being investigated. He thought this was a "friendly" meeting with the FBI over a Russian phone call which was legitimate in service to America.

Clandestine spying targeting Flynn began no later than Dec. 2. That day, DNI James Clapper and U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power unmasked Flynn’s name from a classified U.S. intercept of communications between Russian officials. It seems the Obama officials were interested in a Trump Tower meeting Flynn and Jared Kushner held with Russia’s U.S. Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The envoy then reported his meeting to Moscow, communications that U.S. officials appear to have leaked to Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporters Greg Miller, Ellen Nakashima, and Adam Entous, who had moved over from The Wall Street Journal.

Why is it news that Michael Flynn is talking to the Russian ambassador? He should be talking to the Russian ambassador.”

After James Comey set up Michael Flynn in entrapping him, the Obama Mockingbird let loose with leaking to the press, secret information over the Russian call. It was innocent, but it was the kind of red meat that the deep state media would destroy anyone with.
This blog has stated that Russia was on board with Obama in this, in coordinating the phone call to Flynn and the exchange of not retaliating for Obama kicking out Russian agents in America, to make it look like Putin was dealing with the Trump people in quid pro quo.

Then the leak was offered to Entous’ Post colleague David Ignatius. “This is something a columnist can do, unlike me as a news reporter,” said Entous. “He was able to just throw this piece of red meat out there.” Indeed, it’s how the Obama team intended to bloody the waters. On Jan. 10, according to Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell, Clapper told Ignatius to “take the kill shot on Flynn.” Ignatius published the leak in his Jan. 12 column, describing Flynn’s Dec. 29 conversation with Kislyak. “According to a senior U.S. government official,” wrote Ignatius, “Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29, the day the Obama administration announced the expulsion of 35 Russian officials ... What did Flynn say, and did it undercut the U.S. sanctions?”

All this fine reporting provides the working analysis of what set off Russiagate in the secrets of Obama shoving Jews and Sunni aside for the multi billion populace of the Shia headed by nuclear Iran as these are Obama's folk and a game of numbers, instead of allies.

It is why Benjamin Netanyahu. Jared Kushner of the Tel Aviv Shin bet signed on with the DIA. This blog told you in 2016 that Donald Trump was a DIA man, and the above quotes prove this blog was right again.
It was political minders of John McCain and Herbert McMaster of the globalists who were undermining the DIA, and it is why Devin Nunes appeared as one of the chief elected DIA officers in Congress to bring this information to light as the NSA started feeding the Obama, Brennan, Rice intelligence to investigators.

Coronavirus is all connected to this. It was Obama's facility and it was beyond the reach of the US military, and was a European hijacking of American labs, to counterstrike what Peking was about unleash by this time in 2020.

All of this is still being used and it all goes back to the Obama promotion of Shia terrorism with nuclear arms. Now, Obama handed over with Clinton and Bush, the miniaturized models for nuclear bombs, which communist China now possesses, as this keeps lurching forward all from Birther Hussein Obama.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


The Cannas Cure

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the country was open, I foolishly for a dollar purchased 2 pretty Cannas bulbs at the Thrift Store. I tried to follow the directions, dug them, washed them, stored them in a cool spot in a brown paper bag and ended up with about half of them dead.

Trying a new method of digging them, and storing them in a bucket at the top of our cellar, netted me forgetting about them, and most of them dead, except for one bulb.

Of course not learning anything, I purchased two more Cannas, which were quite pretty from the farm store, and knew that was 10 or 12 bucks shot in the ass, as death was awaiting those bulbs, as every time I follow instructions from the experts, my stuff is always dead, and that includes Begonias.

As the experts methods seem to produce a market where you are buying new bulbs each year, I decided to try something of God's invention.

All of this had been frustrating as the mother had a friend, who had lovely beds of these things each year. Of course I never thought to ask about what she was doing, and of course she died, so whatever was the solution is buried with her in the ground and it is not like I can ask her son what she did with the bulbs as he probably had no idea she was even growing them.

So at a garage sale last summer, the one gal was giving away plastic planters and we of course took them all. So when the big freeze came, I sliced off the cannas tops with a shears, and dug them up carefully, and into 3 gallon plastic planters they went.
Lord God were they heavy, being wet soil, but in a wheelbarrow they trudged to the house, and to the top of the basement as sitting the hell in the way in the porch was a non starter as with the Hibiscus.

I checked on them in January and they were in good shape, dirt was dry, but the tubers were solid. So hauled them out into the shower and watered them, let them drain and with the dirt down the drain, back to the cellar they went. Of course we had a shitty spring here, which is still blowing cold Canada air today on April 20th, but when I checked them, God had not let them die.
Instead I have some pale yellow and some green plants which have actually grown. I took them outside and on the picnic table, so the baby calf does not eat them on her rounds, have them soaking up water for the afternoon. I will bring them into the porch tonight, but after that our lows are supposed to be in the 40's, and the Cannas can take that.

While this method is not go work if you have beds like Joanne did, as it is too bulky. this did work for me.. I would think someone with a Zone 5 garage would be ok if the plants were on a shelf and not floor, and a basement would work which was unheated in other zones. But I just dug these up, did not injure the roots, so they would not rot in being broken, and kept soil around them which was damp, let to dry out, and before they could shrivel, I watered them midway through winter, and now again in April.
I am thinking that I should have flowers by June, and that is the time we usually just plant the bulbs here as Cannas are August flowers, which is a drawback with them as you never get to enjoy them for more than a few weeks before a frost kills them.

If I can get blooms from July to September that just seems cherry to me, and I will not be upset in looking at them, knowing they will be dead. I have hope now that they will be alive.

I plan to maybe divide them by slicing through the tubers before I plant them into the garden. I know that I can just set the containers out, but they will get too crowded as they already are. The thing about Cannas for me, is I get tubers up the ass as they do grow tubers if not so much on the flowers in our short season.

So it is possible to overwinter them at least for me, in not using the experts methods which killed them every time. The new ones we purchased are hybrids so they are much larger and nicer than the little red flowers of the originals.

My method does work and that is the reason I have shared it here. It is a bit more bulky, but at least I have flowers and this is not some beasty problem to deal with. It is in short, better than shriveled, moldy, dead tubers with me frowning again in starting out spring with dead things.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.'

Nuff Said
