Saturday, February 13, 2021

Biden's Tomorrow

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK I will let you in on inside information. I realize the sins of Trump are many and the let downs of him are one hundred percent, but I told you, you are boots and saddles, move by the left flank, and every day you are moving forward as a Rugged Individual, not some Bannon patsy.

You are a Republican, and your MAGA, accomplished things.

1. Donald Trump did not start one new war.

2. Donald Trump withdrew troops around the world.

3. Donald Trump built the military and space force.

4. Donald Trump left treatments and cures for a biological weapon.

5. The Stock Market was stable.

6. The economy was stable.

7. Donald Trump was establishing peace in the Mideast.

Here is the Lame Cherry emancipation for each of you. You do not owe Donald Trump anything. You no longer have to defend Donald Trump. You no longer have any part in Joe Biden. You have a record of peace and success. You are a winner. Here is the reality, everything Joe Biden has done in his mini tyranny of executive orders, his having the election stolen for him, is going to bring fuel price hikes, inflation, more Fauci masks and terror, real terrorism, the military being deployed, stocks collapsing, the economy tanking and war.

Your mission is to enjoy this. Your mission is to remind everyone how stable things were under Donald Trump, even as he survived coups, by the very people who stole this election.

You will converse with people, who will whine, and you will remind them how stable things were with Donald Trump and MAGA, and when they make their challenging Trump smears, just stay on message and repeat the facts, and remind them that Kamala Harris is the same disaster as Joe Biden and things will only get worse.

If they persist in attacking, reply, Ronald Reagan created a 30 year expansion, which was killed by Bush patricians and their Clinton Obama allies, and now they own this klusterfuck and things are going to get worse.

Election theft has consequences.

Nuff Said
