Saturday, February 13, 2021

HAARP Stratosphere Bomb.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I desired to show you more evidence of HAARP in the following advanced forecast from Windy. I have been watching the Missouri basin in the strange anomaly which has surfaced there in IT IS COLDER THERE THAN IN THE ARCTIC.

Here we have the air from "Canada" which was not from the Arctic, but Saskatchewan in a sludge wind there circulating, and after it has "passed", there is Arctic cold to Texas, over the Southern Great Plains and into Minnesota and Ontario.

For the record a front will cool down temperatures, but it should begin moderating as it travels south as the sun is shining there, the temperatures are already in the 50's plus, but here is the reality that Kansas City is at 4 below and so is Winnipeg. Winnipeg should be 30 below to have this effect, and yet it is not.

North Platte, Omaha and St. Paul are colder than Canada.

They get away with this because no one bothers to complain about it. It is a robbing and killing, and no one says anything when the weather mods carry this over to the east and southeast.

This was a massive weather cold bomb, which generated for over 3 weeks, off the coast of British Columbia, wiped out the Hudson Bay lo pressure and for only HAARP reasons this thing just froze Republican States for weeks. They parked a cold air mass, which I believe was sucking air form the upper atmosphere, and simply froze everything in Trump America.

While they distract you with Trump impeachment and EMP attacks, these are real events from HAARP waging war on Americans. None of this HAARP is natural.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

