Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Dr. Mengele of Coronavirus Vax



Rather than attempting to pass laws requiring certain populations to get the vaccine, the paper recommends that “noncompliance should incur a penalty” – and a “relatively substantial” one. The non-compliant should be threatened with “employment suspension or stay-at-home orders,” though fines or criminal charges are discouraged, because they “disadvantage the poor” and risk getting the mandate itself challenged in court. Worse, they “may stoke distrust without improving uptake,” it adds. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was listening to my friends, neighbors and relatives regale their Corona vax experiences. Apparently in the brier, rules do not matter, as we are supposed to be stuck in our county of residence, but two drove to another state, another the next door state called him to get stuck, and they knew their serums from Moderna to Pfizer, and which ones were more effective.

Most did not get sick from the initial vax, but the girl I was confirmed with, her son had 36 hours which were pretty tough on the boy. Headaches, chills, fatigue, all the things I have had, and as my cousin's wife said, 'It is better than being on a ventilator". As 99% plus who have contracted the virus are not in the grave, getting the virus does not put people on ventilators.........idiot physicians put people on ventilators, because they do not administer Chloroquine or Ivomec with zinc to remedy this biological weapon.

The one person who gets a geezer erection over the vax is Anthony Fauci, a real Dr. Mengele in scaring children at Christmas and lying constantly for his dollar end, according to reverse speech by David John Oates.

I'm reading over 40,000 adverse reactions have come from this serum already. There are over a thousand dead. Jeff Rense has spoken to a medical doctor who treats geezers, and her clients died in numbers. There is a cover up in what this serum is doing to people.

Rense has been covering a Doctor who died in Florida. I have seen pictures of people who looked like they had exploded capillaries on their feet, neck and hands. These are platelet destruction. The probability is the following disease which has been harming people. It is auto immune, which means the immune system is out of control and is attacking the body, and the part of the body the vax is attacking in some case are the platelets.

Immune thrombocytopenia, or ITP, causes a lack of platelets, the part of the blood necessary for clotting.

“There are some cases that have predisposing or history of autoimmune disorder, but some cases are occurring in otherwise healthy individuals,” explained Dr. Maissaa Janbain, a Tulane Hematologist and Oncologist who is the Associate Director of the Louisiana Center for Bleeding and Clotting Disorders.

Autoimmune means your own immune system attacks cells that are supposed to be in your body. Dr. Janbain says this condition was not seen in the clinical trials, is extremely rare, and it is still unknown if it's a coincidence or linked to the vaccine.

I would suggest that you listen to Jeff Rense and the microbiologist Eric Khan. She is a real expert and in the following, she explains something about this vax and the protein, which I have linked to a synthetic prion as in mad cow or chronic wasting disease.

What she has explained is that this vax is not making people immune as there is nothing in the antigens to make one immune. What is taking place are T cells which are taking out the spike protein. What the vax is doing in the body is infecting healthy cells and the  T cells are killing those cells. That is what is causing the organ damage in people, as the vax is attacking already infected cells, the ACE 2.

The problem which arises in all of this is the antibodies go into overdrive. Other doctors have questioned this as this has happened in animals which are tested, and it was killing the animals, as people have been killed by the virus.

Jeff Rense & Erica Khan
Deadly News On The 'Vaccine' & Virus

Meanwhile, Fauci's wearing 300 masks, has been exposed that masks cause serious lung disease. I believe it was wearing a mask in a Veteran's Home which actually killed my uncle. He had contracted the virus, gotten over it, and in a weakened state, he contracted pneumonia, and then was put on a ventilator and died. The antiboitics were not working against the pneumonia. That means it was either a super bacterial strain from wearing the mask or super viral strain, bred inside that mask, like eating your own shit each day until you get cholera

Proof Masks Can Cause Serious Lung Disease

These are the known facts of the two major serums. Astra has tanked out of London. MERCK is telling people to get infected as it is a better protection, as they are manufacturing anti virals which are effective in saving lives, and the two left are making people quite sick, as the protein infects the body and the body inflames and the T cells begin killing the healthy cells which are infected.

Doctors are most concerned over this vax, from antibodies killing the person, to being sterilized, to nerve disorders. This vax infects the body. Then a booster is injected and that makes people quite sick. This is not immunity as it will wear off, and it will require other booster shots. Fauci is lying about all of this, as there is no herd immunity, there is only trillions of dollar being made in injecting people with mRNA which has never been effective and when one keeps boosting the immune system in animals, it sets off an auto immune storm.

One problem in the animal studies on coronavirus family vaccines was “antibody dependent enhancement.” When animals were inoculated, they developed a robust immune response, which is a good result.

However, when the animals were later exposed to the coronavirus against which they were vaccinated, their immune system went into overdrive, and they developed an overwhelming, fatal immune response called a “cytokine storm.” Fatal cytokine storms also happened to some COVID-19 patients when their infection was severe. 

Human responses do not always correlate to animal responses. So far, there have been no signs that humans have a cytokine storm when exposed to COVID-19 after receiving the vaccine. Obviously, this would be catastrophic for any vaccine.

Should we be concerned about other long term side effects from mRNA vaccines?

A concern that deserves mention is the possibility that a cross-reaction and immunity to other parts of the spike protein could cause auto-immune disease or other problems. 

A former Pfizer VP, Dr. Michael Yeadon, who has over 30 years of experience in immunology and drug research, filed a Stay of Action petition with the European Medicine Agency (like our FDA) to halt the trials of mRNA vaccines over concerns it might affect sterility in women. 

There are legitimate concerns in this vax. We know that all vaccines have side effects, but this is not a vaccine, it is serum of genetic manipulation.  Your body's T cells are being triggered, because your antigens do not recognize this designed spike protein of the biological weapon, until it is too late, and then your body in the Lethal strains which are feces connected, attack the entire body and kill it.

The reality is, there is a real bioweapon which a immunity virus was released, which has been effective in treating the mass population. This bioweapon, now has an injection to counter it which is another biological weapon in mRNA which spoofs the body into thinking it is the bioweapon. The response has been killing people and making people sick in the immediate time. The reality is, you can not take this vax out and what it was doing and what it is doing, once it is in the body.

The Australian Prime Minister in David John Oates Reversals said something about a SCAB. There is something in this which causes a scab. A scab is caused by blood platelets clotting to stop blood flow. Is this what the PM knew in the Florida Doctor who turned to mush from platelets disappearing from his body, that he actually became one big blood clot?

Jeff Rense has a theory that there will be a 4 to 6 month window, and a 12 to 18 month window, in which vax diseases will begin manifesting. A projection of this is, Fauci is focusing on OPEN SEASON on people, with full military support sometime in April. That would fit the window in this of perhaps a "new strain" which is bogus propaganda, is going to be claimed, and it is the vax making people sick with 5G, to drive this sham forward, and hide that the vax is making people sick.

I was watching my cousin's wife today in the checkout. She had on mask and gloves..........and then started digging in her purpose, pulled out kleenex, pulled down her mask with her gloved hand, and then blew her nose with her gloved hand which had touched everything, and then her booger gloves were touching everything.  I witness nothing but Darwins in this world and they are getting the vax.

I will never take this vax. I have been hosed down with every strain of this thing, the last being the most problematic for me as it was intestinal and stress from winter is not helping. I believe this vax would harm me immensely as I have so much bio exposure in my system. People make their own choices, but this virus is no longer the threat, the people pushing this vax are. MERCK is correct in if you have an adverse reaction to the virus, that anti virals will treat you effectively.

What inquiry points to, the vax is not the widespread "problem". It is when 5G is turned on that something actives. The matrix has been so raped that I have not had time to sort it out, but the damning fact is, this virus has been weaponized against Constitutional Rights by the 1% who have an agenda which has only been hinted at. Odd part is, is maybe we have looked at this the wrong way, the vax is not to make you immune to a biological weapon, but the vax is what is supposed to be effective so 5G does not turn you into a big microwave dish, but perhaps the vax is not what the lab tests indicate, but instead manifests a hyper decomposing of tissue it has immortalized.

We know Fauci has lied, has manipulated and was in on the creation of this bioweapon, and he knew that Chloroquine was effective as a treatment and hindered the use as a treatment, which is homicide, but he will get away with it, as he is the system, while Andrew Cuomo who followed orders and spread the virus to geezers is now being picked off like Gavin Newson in the democratic leadership which would contend against Prez Kamala.

That is another subject. This is the best information I can give you on this now for your decision making.

Nuff Said

