Saturday, February 20, 2021

GIrl in the Mirror




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is something which fascinates me in laws of mathematics, the paranormal and what it all means.

I have not seen my oldest sister since Christmas when I was 8 years old. She died the following Easter and forever changed all of our lives as she was the leader, and my second sister was a dull headed book genius who was worthless except in being a selfish bitch.

That stated, we were checking out in the grocery, and I was not paying attention to the girl, other than she was not the dairy farm girl I thought she was. We checked out, I packed groceries, and when we paid, she said, "Are you related to the Cherry's?" TL said we were and she mentioned her Uncle's name, and I said, yes we live about 2 miles from him.

She said she had just moved back with her mother, and I knew the story, which I will not brier patch fill in here, but as we talked, TL later told me, "I was wondering who she looked like".

That is what I was looking at, as I watched her, as I had not seen those expressions, down to the way she looked down and carried herself with enthusiasm, openness and beauty, in I was looking at my sister when she was the same age of 14 years old.

This is a dichotomy to me, as I had always concluded my sister looked like my dad's mom or Grandma's side of the family as he did, and most did in being round faced. This girl is not related at all to that branch of the family, and honestly she looks more like our Great Grandpa.

Great Grandma has a look that my sister has, and Aunt, but even that sister looks like a throw back to Mother Marie, who was from another distant cousin branch of the family.

This girl would be my 3rd cousin. She has her father's different genes, her grandmother's different genes and what I thought completely different genes from who my sister looked like.

Granted people tend to marry the same types, so maybe her dad looks like who my Grandpa married.

I get spooked at looking at families who share our last name, and the same first names keep popping up. There is some kind of combined matrix of thought or psychological preference in genetic groups of people which makes absolutely no sense. Yet it exists. Just like a little 14 year old girl looks like a clone of my sister, which I thought impossible, and now I wonder who my sister really looked like, in who my dad really looked like as the odds of two people from different generations, looking alike when they are supposed to look like unrelated branches is beyond possible, and yet I saw it today, was perplexed by it, and it will give me something spooky to contemplate.

Nuff Said
