Sunday, February 14, 2021

Woke to Fanaticism


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know who Gina Carano is, as I watch nothing of modern media. I do know who that #NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro is, milking Texas Christian billionaires though to stay in the business.

What in this WOKE, CANCEL and FANATICISM which is now Soros Obama AmerIXa, in everything ass backwards, I do not understand how a woman gets fired for saying that being a Republican now is equated to being a Jew during the holocaust.

Carano, who played former Rebel Alliance soldier Cara Dune on The Mandalorian, was fired from the Disney+ series late Wednesday night, just a few hours after she shared an Instagram post that equated being a modern-day Republican to being a Jew during the Holocaust.

OK first off, there is the First Amendment on Free Speech. Yet the statement by Lucas Films is bizarre in what it smears this woman as.

“Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future,” said a Lucasfilm spokesperson at the time. “Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

My question is what denigrated Jews by what she said. She did not say that the holocaust did not happen. She did not say Jews deserved it. She did not say anything which touched upon the 6 million figure is inflated or that Jewish communists were calling for the genocide of Germans which is what Hitler was reacting to in COMMUNISM.

Sure I understand the sacred Jew in they are the bag men and media men of the 1%, like Soros who set the standard in all things Jew is sacred and you can bat Germans around, and now Republican Protestants like the Spanish Inquisition, but what is the correct comparison?

Is it correct to state that aborticide using chemical weapons has killed more humans than the holocaust Jews?

Is it correct to state that in the slave trade, that Jews owned more Africans by statistics than Americans did in America?

Is it correct to state the Jewish media has depicted Christians as nuts, Blacks as gangsters, Latins as sex crazed pervs, compared to the propaganda of sex deviants portrayed as normal?

Would it have been ok with Lucas Films if this woman had said, "Being a modern Republican is like being in Stalin's Ukraine death state for not agreeing with the regime that democrat FDR supported"?

Would it be ok if she had said, "Lucas films and Disney fire Republicans, while supporting the Xi regime in China which cuts out organs out of living prisoners for the rich"?

Would it be ok if she had said, "Lucas films and Disney attack America, while promoting the Xi communists who had Obama and Fauci build a Wuhan bioweapons lab for them which unleashed this  plague"?

The good coming out of this is Gina Carano is in production for her own movie idea. As she will be like Mel Gibson in being supported, she will make a fortune as MSM, Hollywood, Sports and all these other woke platforms are all dead, as people are not watching this woke insanity.

The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams — to develop and produce my own film — come true. I cried out and my prayer was answered,” said Carano. “I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. I have only just begun using my voice which is now freer than ever before, and I hope it inspires others to do the same.”

Here are the similarities between  1940 Jews and 2021 Republicans.

Jews had the fake Krystalnacht - Republicans had the fake Capitol riots.

Republicans are being fired from jobs, are put on watch lists and being hunted by the FBI. Ditto in Jews were not allowed to work, were put on watch lists and the Gestapo hunted them.

Jews were castigated for their subhuman beliefs. Republicans are smeared as subhuman for their beliefs.

The fact is there was not enough fuel in Germany to burn up 6 million anything. Not enough crematoriums. The fact is the Germans put Jews into camps as forced labor. Did the same to French, Slavs and Russians. More Russians died than Jews in captivity. More people who were not Jews died than Jews died.

Forgetting all the above, the Germans actually took care of Jews as they were necessary production assets for the Hitler slave labor commerce, much like the Joe Biden importation of slave labor Mexican. The reason Jews were so emaciated at the end of the war, was because American, British and Russian bombing cut the rail lines and supplies. No food, no clean water, and the Jews important from ghettos carried typhus and infected the camps, which is what Zyklon B was for, as it was used in the United States for the same purpose to KILL LICE, not Jews in showers.

Seriously, there are 100 million Trump supporters out there. You can not alienate people who buy things, or you go broke even with Bush cheap money.. Firing this woman is beyond stupid, as there are not enough stupid woke people to buy things...............and the stupid woke people are getting their vax and bragging about it like Judas goats to lead others to the syringe.

I have one request for Bill Gates daughter and her vax bragging. If the vax does get her with neuro disease or the scab, will she please leave me her trust fund.

I would gladly as a rich person then fund some projects with Gina Carano. Love to make a film about Patrick Byrne in stop the steal.

Nuff Said

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