Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Amerika Land of the Snitch


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the FBI has been hunting down trespassers, who used dangers weapons like a baton asp, a crutch and a plastic shield, the pipe bomber case is growing colder by the day. In this, the Lame Cherry desires all of you to take as step back in this hunting down of Americans and read the following FBI report on someone who was appointed by Donald Trump and is now under arrest, and will not get out of prison before his trial in Freddie Klein, a Conservative Christian.

What is troubling in all of this is the fact that numerous tips flowed into the FBI, WHO WERE NOT KLEIN. So this resonates with you, people turned Klein in, who he had met. People turned Klein in who he worked with. A neighbor turned Klein in, who was a liberal, and had spied on Klein in knowing his car was not parked at his house on January 6th.

People turned other innocent Americans in to the FBI, innocent people with names and addresses, whose names are now all in FBI files, because nosy, busy bodies decided that someone they knew 15 years ago, kind of looked like Klein.

To date, the FBI has received eight (8 ) tips about 136 -AFO . Two of those tips were about KLEIN, as mentioned above . In addition, four ( ) anonymous individuals submitted information regarding 136-AFO to the FBI National Threat Operations Center (NTOC) , stating that they thought 136-AFO could be various individuals they knew that were not KLEIN . One such tip identified 136 - AFO as possibly an individual who lived in St. Louis, but stated they had not seen the person in 10-12 years and was it was only a 25-30 possibility that 136-AFO was the person the tipster knew . Another tip stated 136-AFO could be ” a in Ohio that they had not seen in approximately 3 years; this tipster stated that they were not sure ofthe identification, but wanted to report the information just incase. ” Another tipster reported that 136 -AFO might be” a person from Minnesota . An additional person also reported that 136-AFO “ looks just like” a person it knew from the Chicago, Illinois area; the same tipster also reported that 136 -AFO could be the son of the person in the Chicago area. In addition to the anonymous tips, one identified individual stated that they recognized 136-AFO as a reality-television personality who they had seen on different television shows . Your affiant reviewed known photographs of all of the individuals reported in the tips, compared those photographs to 136 -AFO , and due to differences inphysical characteristics concluded that the person in question was not 136 -AFO

For liberals who are cheering all this hunting down of Americans, this blog warned all of you, that you have just as many people who hate you, and all it takes is calling up the FBI by one of these tards to finger you, and if you have two wackos who want to tell the same story, you just might be the next person arrested in the Merrick Garland sweeps.

You betcha this pipe bomber is a problem for many reasons, as now the new FBI records are showing they are working backwards off of snitch reports, and not as Sara Carter was asking and the FBI would not answer were working off of the pipe bomber in the Patriot Act to create a drag net of data mining on everyone. Someone like Freddie Klein was set up as most were in they were a hot head like Samuel Adams but was a hero until America woke, and now is a bad White guy, but if Trump would have stood his ground or created amnesty, instead of saving himself. Freddie Klein would be an American icon on the Right.

Freddie Klein did nothing more than act up like people playing sports do who are paid millions of dollars. They don't get arrests and held without bail and neither should Klein. The problem in this is misdemeanors and things George Washington forgave in his real insurrectionists, are now charges that are felonies and have destroyed people's lives.

Thomas Jefferson said a little revolution was a good thing. If Thomas Jefferson was wrong, as that is what Freddie Klein was engaged in, then the Declaration of Independence is wrong and the Constitution is wrong.

If Freddie Klein had murdered Ashli Babbit, then he should be in prison as that is dangerous. If Freddie Klein had called for machine gunning in mass murder Americans as Nancy Pelosi did, that is dangerous and he should be in prison. Those people though are not arrested and are being protected by the police state.

If Freddie Klein make him pay for it. If he trespassed, then fine him his 30 shekels. He is not a domestic terrorist, he is not an insurrectionist, he is not a felon. He is just an American who has been humiliated for years, just as Vanity Fair was mocking him that he should like cockroaches crawling on him in prison while he tried to sleep, and when this push to get rid of Donald Trump refused by John Roberts to even give a hearing of the evidence and gripes of Americans as Justice Thomas railed against,  these Americans acted out in frustration.

Those who are doing this to Freddie Klein and others are the ones now protected, because they are hanging people. In these sweeps, purges, putsch, the time always comes when it is Rod Blagojevich, John Edwards, Sharyl Attkisson, Charlie Rose who are the ones who were protected like Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsome and the Whitmer woman, until they become the problem for those in power.

There are innocent people now in FBI investigations, turned in by creepers who are delusional. Which is worst the deluded calling in reports or people you thought you could trust you met, your colleagues  your neighbors turning you in?

That is America now. It is beyond troubling and it did not end well for those in power in the Soviet Union or Mao's China or Kim's Korea. That is what the United States is transformed into. It serves the 1% to fragment the population completely to not trust each other so the few rule the many who are turning each other in.

This blog has stood for those wronged from Lawrence Sinclair to Rod Blagojevih. When people are made political prisoners it does not matter what liberal side they are on, as it affects everyone.

Vanity Fair was laughing at cockroaches crawling on Freddie Klein. That redneck from Arkansas was mocked in the New York Times begging for his life. Huffington Post was mocking Kid Cua  and relishing the Cua family being made to grovel. 

Feeding Christians to lions made the sophisticated Roman society cheer in the Circus. Honestly, the Nazis did not do what American liberals are now engaged in. It was hidden because the German culture would have recoiled from it. This is being embraced by thee American judiciary, police state and tens of millions of Biden voters.

This is all by design and it will not stop until this political cancer has nothing left to devour. The clarion call should be to wake up, but these people are woke and have embraced this as this is exactly what they want. It is a revenge for being born and not aborted. They are now in post birth aborting a political ideology which is reminding them what sinners they are.

Nuff Said
