Saturday, March 6, 2021

Awaiting Christ's Rules

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Americans are as this blog stated, a bunch of overgrown children who have no conception of consequences. The example of the fine American from Arkansas, who had more important things than to ever take the time to read a poor orphan girl, telling people to OBEY THE LAWS, NOT MAKE THEMSELVES A TARGET and TO PAY THEIR TAXES, and to always keep things legal in NO VIOLENCE, and that meant respectfully contacting your Representatives and not going anywhere near them, as Donald Trump said it was going to be WILD, now is learning a few facts of thee American Gulag.

The first fact is, that unless you are rich, you get the rights of the poor to sit in jail to teach you a lesson to break you. The second fact is, that when they break you, the New York Times mocks you as they are not going to let you get away with challenging the system.

Man pictured with feet on Pelosi's desk yells at judge: "It's not fair"

Something went wrong. Please try again later. Something went wrong. Please try again later. The Arkansas man who was pictured with his feet on House ...

Prison is not designed to rehabilitate, but is designed to break people by breaking their will. Franco of Spain handled his communists not by putting them into prison or making them martyrs in shooting them, but by sending them off to Africa as soldiers, to boil their brains out for years. When the revolutionaries returned, they just sat on a bench, content to eat beans.

What is lost in this is, America has had elections stolen for years, and this time Americans were called out by Donald Trump, and then were framed in this Capitol ransacking, in order to criminalize them and hunt them down to intimidate them. This is what psychological warfare really looks like and is.

For some reason, these people who were lured into the Capitol, never considered for a moment that they were challenging the groups who shot John Kennedy and got away with it. These are the people who had Bunghole John Roberts rewriting law for Obamacare. These are the people who stole trillions of dollars, have slaughtered millions of Americans for profit in wars to aborticide. They are not going to give up. They saw Nationalism was a problem and set Americans up to make them criminals to jump leap the Vax International Socialism of Control.

What do you think a group like that is going to do after all of this effort? Merrick Garland who sounded at time as bizarre as Joe Biden in his AG testimony, was rewarded for the cover up what happened at OKC and is now like William Barr poised to serve the committee's interest. What do you think they are going to do with Americans who dared challenge them? This Arkansas boy, walked into Pelosi's office as she had her day interrupted in installing Pedo Joe. She wanted machine gun nests to mass slaughter Americans. Fortunately the committee that Nancy answers too is more sophisticated. They just make examples of the dupes so the other bleaters will know not to challenge the system.

I found the narration of Edmund O'Brien from the WIld Bunch. It is worth listening to. For those who are not familiar with this movie, this movie is about a group of outlaws who rob banks and trains. The leader, William Holden, took satisfaction in making the head of the railroad change the way he did things and the railroad did not like it. So they set up these robbers who thought they were smart and could challenge the system and those in power.
Americans have been set up in the same way.

Just understand all that propaganda of John Wayne, Jimmy Steward in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, does not exist. There is not going to be justice. There is going to be examples made, and people are going to have to take what these courts all say. Lawyers are going to bankrupt people in defenses which will change no juries minds. The entire jury pool is tainted by "insurrection" headlines, so forget fairness. In the end, you will take what they give you, and thank them for it. That is what feudalocracy is in the fanaticism which rules the place on the map called America.

My children and my brats were told to put Jesus first, look to Him, and stay out of trouble. They did just that. Americans though being the overgrown children they are, wanted to raise hell as that is easier than doing the work. I told them to form coops and they have not. The things they need to do to survive, they will not do as why buy flour and gas, when you can get thrown out of sodomite CPAC, as that is where the cameras are.

I warn again. leave politics behind. Look to Jesus, behave yourselves and focus on keeping you and your family alive, as Christians may be in the world, but have no part in this world.

The rules are not what you think America is or should be. The rules are what those who are in power say it is and you are not going to change those rules. For me the bridge to somewhere is God's rules and trusting Him, because you do not put your trust in princes nor in the sons of men.

It is not about liking the rules. It is about surviving until Christ comes along with His set of rules that people who are good can live by.

Nuff Said
