Saturday, March 6, 2021

Why is Steve Bannon moving to install a Foreigner into the White House?


Steve Bannon's Choice for the next President.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has had it with the fraud of Stave Bannon, in first censoring the work of Andrew Breitbart in the information which got him murdered, moving on to hijack the Trump campaign with Mike Pence, and now attempting to install Birther Harris to replace Pedo Joe Biden as President.

Time To Prepare For Transition Of Power From Biden To Harris…

During an episode of Steve Bannon’s The War Room, Steve Bannon, Author Mike McCormick, and National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam discussed that it is time to prepare for the transition of power between Biden and Harris.

Steve Bannon and his parrots at the War Room and pitched on Populist are either traitors or they are ignorant of Constitutional Law, as Kamala Harris is NOT NATURAL BORN which is required to be President.
Kamala Harris is a dual citizen as Obama was, so she can not be President.

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris is NOT a "natural born Citizen ...

Kamala Harris was born to a Jamaican Citizen father (minus one stool leg) and to a Citizen of India mother (minus the 2nd stool leg). They both were sojourning in the USA on temporary VISA's. Thus she was born with multiple citizenship and allegiance to a foreign country, divided allegiance at birth.

As per ‘Principles of Natural Law‘ in place at the time of the founding of our country and when the founding documents including the U.S. Constitution were written, a ‘natural born Citizen’ is one born in the country to parents who are both Citizens (born Citizens or naturalized Citizens) of that country when their child is born in the country. 

Thee only person in line to be President at this point is Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She appears to need a mental examination as she seems as brain dysfunctional as Joe Biden, but that is the LAW. Pelosi is Natrual Born. At least I think her parents were naturalized when she was born, as both were foreign birthed in Italy.

If not Pelosi with naturalized proof, then it falls to Alabama birthed Mitch McConnell.

Steve Bannon has placed himself as Fuehrer of the Nationalist movement. I don't want him as leader of anything, he does not speak for me, and he does not know jack or shit about the Constitution. That kind of ignorance or conspiring. with Kamala Harris is not what Americans are in need of.

Come clean Steve Bannon, what was it that Andrew Breitbart was going to reveal, and you took over Breitbart after his murder, and the Breitbart dossier disappeared.

Why was Steve Bannon protecting Birther Hussein Obama and now wants Birther Swammie Harris to be President.

Just give us the answers in real questions asked.

Nuff Said

