Friday, March 5, 2021

The "Dangerous 5' 2' and 110 pound Woman Murdered in the US Capitol


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Patriot Ashli Babbitt laid to rest in a fitting service, despite the gulag lockdown of California, the time has arrived that Ashli Babbit's legal time has issued it's first statement and it is precisely what needed to be addressed.

As the DC Police, DOJ and FBI cover up for this murder, the only recourse may be a dozen billion dollar lawsuit, with provisions that those involved in this framing and murder of Ashli Babbitt have their wages and retirement garnished to their wills being read in their part of this settlement.

There is hope in deposing Nancy Pelosi for her part in this, that the Truth will begin to be discovered, which is being covered up again, just as in the LaVoy Finnicum case, which has never been resolved.

Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Releases First Official Press Release

Ashli Babbitt, Woman Who Died in Coup, Served in US Air Force - YouTube


The shooting of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021 by an unidentified U.S. Capitol Police Officer was an unjustified use of deadly force which violated her constitutional rights. It is clear from video footage that Ashli did not pose a danger to the officer, or any other person, when she was shot. Ashli was unarmed. She did not assault anyone. She did not threaten to harm anyone. There was no excuse for taking her life.

It is a universal law enforcement standard that a police officer should use no more force than necessary to accomplish a lawful purpose. At 5′ 2″ tall and 110 pounds, an arrest of Ashli could have been accomplished by a single trained officer with a set of handcuffs. At the time of the shooting, there were over a half-dozen police officers in close proximity to the Speaker’s door where Ashli was standing. Some of those officers had just allowed protesters access to the door by stepping aside. Other officers, dressed in full tactical gear, stood among the protesters just a few feet behind the door. Still others stood casually at the opposite end of the Speaker’s Lobby, unconcerned with the activities of Ashli and the protesters around her. All of these officers were in a position to have aided in the apprehension of Ashli if it was necessary. Given her background as a 14-year veteran of the Air Force, it is likely that Ashli would have complied with simple verbal commands, thereby making the use of any force unnecessary.…
