Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Mengele Vax Womb of the 21st Century Concentration Camp

Fetal Tissue you just became human for the Fauci Vax in the Womb

Adverse Incident Reports Show 966 Deaths Following Vaccination for COVID-19   theepochtimes 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The United States has reached Vax Terrorism with the new AdCoronavirus serum made from virus harvested from chimp feces, in Johnson & Johnson, literally have the permission now to inject newborn infants coming out of the womb in the hospital. There is absolutely no clinical or ethical reason to inject chimp feces virus into babies, as they are protected out of the womb, are protected by the mother's milk in antibodies and are not carriers of the Coronavirus nor do they spread this virus.

J&J Wants To Begin Injecting NEWBORN INFANTS
With It Covid Kill Shots - Infanticide On The Way...

Inhuman, Genocidal Health 'Experts' Now
Push For Infant-Masking And COVID Kill Shots
Before They Go On Trips Abroad

A spokesperson for Janssen Biotech, a J&J subsidiary, confirmed the company plans to extend clinical trials to children –– first to children between the ages of 12 and 18, and immediately after to newborns and adolescents, then to pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals.

It is the same with all children, in they are not carriers and do not spread this virus, and do not die from this virus, and yet the children of the world are being targeted, along now with pregnant mothers in some nightmare from the Dr. Mengele Nazi Concentration Camp Experiments WHICH ARE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Inhuman, Genocidal Health 'Experts' Now
Push For Infant-Masking And COVID Kill Shots
Before They Go On Trips Abroad

They literally have policies and talking points in how to trick people to being injected. They have not moved to fine people or jail them, because they are concerned about that ending up in courts. They care not for the crooked courts, but an injunction would take time, and for their reasons the vaxers are desperate to get everyone jabbed before summer begins.

For those who think a vax and a booster is all you need. No that is not the case, as Oxford is now advocating that you be jabbed EVERY year, and if you travel out of the country, you need to be jabbed again. There is not one virus in the world that you have to be vaccinated like this. This is hiding something so very wrong that it is criminal.

Scientists at Oxford University are now suggesting that people should be given a coronavirus vaccine every time they travel abroad.

“The sort of criteria that might be introduced … is that when one travels internationally for a short trip, going on vacation for example, that one is vaccinated each time on that occasion for that particular trip,” stated epidemiologist Christopher Dye, a leading author of a report published recently in the Royal Society Journal in the U.K.

This statement contradicts what people have previously been told about COVID-19 vaccinations. Originally it was believed that one shot would suffice. That narrative quickly grew into the need for several doses to achieve immunity. Then, health “experts” suggested they would be annual, like flu shots.


5 Desperate Ways They're Trying To Trick
You Into Taking The Covid 'Vaccine'

This serum is killing and harming adults in growing numbers, in neurological disorders and death. The link below takes you to a doctor being a smart ass taunting non vaxers, as he takes the vax. The guy was dead from heart trauma days later. A permanent lesson for him and one to remember for others that this vax is dangerous.

Doctor Mocks Anti-Vaxxers While Getting
Kill Shot And Dies Days Later - Watch

The Lame Cherry advice is, do not let your children out of your sight, as those behind this are going to be linking children up at schools and jabbing them without parent's permission in some national emergency from Bidencon. Some of you are going to have to face the facts of if you will not home school your children, you had better be making plans to find states that do, and try and start your lives over, as this is pure satanic wickedness. There is not one medical reason to infect children and they are engaged in this. We are going to discover soon enough if Dr. Sharri Tennpenny is right on vax medical problems. We have just been told that THE VAXES ARE WORTHLESS and they are going to keep jabbing people every year, which makes absolutely no medical sense either.

This is humanicide and you are being alerted to it by only a few outlets now. Start making your decisions as Joseph and Mary fled with baby Jesus to Egypt to save Him. You had better start making an exit strategy if you are in a Fauci Concentration Camp State, as this is not until 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, BUT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES as long as you body can withstand that bioweapon spike protein.

Nuff Said

