Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Shame of Meghan Markel

Really Meghan, I do not want to see you play with Harry's organ grinder
to give you a banana.

Meghan Markle Accused of Screaming at Kate Middleton's ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The depths of the depravity and Stalinesque bullying which the female staff endured from Meghan Markel has finally leaked out. The following are examples of the type of harsh treatment that staff endured in what is called MEGHAN MARKEL MISOGYNY.

Yes it was the Triple M treatment of Ms. Markel which drover palace staff from their jobs, had them suffering psychological stresses not known since the Blitz and made several women infertile is the mark of Triple M.

In the first like incident, the victim entered the chamber to be accosted with the following.

Personal Assistant Gladiola Thames Hudson Bainbridge.

All of this racism is typical English. Do not think this racism is unnoticed to a woke woman like myself, as you serve me white cream, white sugar, white toast and my egg whites are white. You are white, even the Queen is white. You have planned, you, you white person!!!!

Obviously such a rude encounter swept through the staff like an earthquake, yes they were called Megquakes by the staff.

In one alleged incident, a royal aide who had been anticipating a confrontation with Markle told a colleague: “I can’t stop shaking.”

Two senior members of the palace staff were allegedly bullied into leaving their jobs, the UK newspaper reported.

A third former aide said they had been personally “humiliated” by the former TV actress.

Another ex-staffer told the Times the situation felt “more like emotional cruelty and manipulation, which I guess could also be called bullying.”

The incident which left staff shaking was experienced by Penelope Hughes Hawkesworth Humpoole.

Penelope Hughes Hawkesworth Hammerschaft

Every day, each time we had to enter Meghan Markel's chamber, she demanded we recite, "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is fairer than Princess Diana of all!"

We found it all disrespectful of Duke Harry's Mum, but we were told to keep a stiff upper lip as Meghan gets what Meghan wants".

Lastly, this example of a like experience the Palace staff endured was this by Honoria Wilddepole Wessington Smythsmith.

 Honoria Wilddepole Wessington Smythsmith.


One afternoon, Meghan Markel demanded I bow all the way upon entering the chamber, where Ms. Markel shoved a document in my face, signed Meghan Queen in Waiting, at which time she started lecturing me that that she wanted bananas banned as she knew it was racism aimed at her. When I mentioned that bananas had been in England 300 years before her birth, she threw her crumpet at me, and ordered that all of her people be set free from the London zoo and they needed to be sent back from where they came from. I was stunned and then she went into a rage about Harry having a pin up photo of a female orangutan at the zoo, I excused myself in hearing the Queen calling.

One can sympathize with the royal staff, who had become accustomed to the Queen thanking them for their service, Kate inquiring about their families and Camilla massaging their feet at the end of the day.

It is racism for Oprah Winfrey to provide cover for this bullying.

I hear you sistah, I had the same experience at Burger King, where the King
was great, but the staff refused to bow to me.

There is absolutely no excuse for this dark ages misbehavior.

It became so bad that the Queen refused calls, as Meghan's cries for help always started with, "I'm black, you have got to help me".

Prince Charles went so far in no longer taking the stable boy Harry's phone calls, and demanded that Harry put things into writing, as Harry would say things like, "Meghan thinks I should be king. Can you get MI6 to do something to William and then my wife will quit nagging me?"

Harry is what happens when your nutty wife gets knocked up
by the horse trainer and he grows up masturbating to Nature on PBS.

Lastly it came to a point in Meghan's plea to have someone help her being black, that she became suicidal, and even in that Meghan was not satisfied, as when the staff trying to help said:

Meghan there is a loose block on the roof, maybe you could go up and check, but don't fall off the roof!

Meghan, the chef says the pilot light on the gas stove is out in the kitchen, please don't stick your head in the stove.

Meghan, the garage door sticks, so be careful not to get locked in when you go down to shut down the Rolls Royce.

Meghan, the royals sleep with a loaded gun under their pillow, please don't shoot yourself.

Meghan, the cook accidentally dumped in a bottle of horse sleeping pills, please don't drink the coffee.

Meghan, we have put out new razor blades for your hairy arm pits, be careful not to slit your wrists.

With all of that assistance, it was not enough for Meghan Markel as she humiliated the staff in ordering them to call up tampon manufacturers for free tampons in the extra large size used for elephants at the zoo.

In conclusion, I have heard that Meghan has petitioned Joe Biden for reparations for Harry in the 13 original colonies.

Nuff Said
