Friday, April 2, 2021

Did NASA blow up Wormwood

 Spock, you Vulcan fool, NASA is bigger than Star Fleet, the Federation,
than your brain. They blew up Wormwood. That's were all these damned meteors
are coming from. They blew up it up.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates was on Rense with more Biden reversals, and he was his typical profane and lying self. There was one reversal thought which caught my attention, in out of the blue, Biden says that NASA blew something up in space. This was this past week, and it is current in the context that Biden has been briefed on something.

NASA knows. NASA discovered an object.

They blow it up. NASA has the means to blow up huge objects in near space.

It appears there was something in space, which needed to be destroyed and NASA did that.

Joe Biden

Invest in workers - Making a fraud of this

Invest in medical research - I saw her snake (snake is metaphor of cancer.) Does Biden have cancer?

Democracies coming her now - You should come with us now.

They won't be going back - I need to sell in your con

We are going to do it - But your cunts I force it

Being sent back - More mess have mess

Flown back to his mom -  I nook baby how

Today I return as your president - Let me show with your soul

Pass of stimulus - Their germ in the soul we suck

The 1% increased wealth - NASA knows they blow it up

Public investment - Love to curse you.

They said the same thing in space - Surf the ships and we'll surf you with this

Clean energy technology - Hurry and you won
