Saturday, April 3, 2021

That old Bastard


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 So it has been a year and we have not been paid by the wicked one.

Then this interesting development took place.

His daughter intimated that he was being nice. All I have heard is he is ornery and grumpy, which is usual, but he was being nice. You have to watch out when this guy is nice, as he is up to something and you are going to get the short end of the stick.

So in review, he was in more than tough shape when he left again, but I suspect with having his ass wiped by professionals that he has recovered, and the same old manipulator is plotting something, and the something is what we were asked to do.

So due to circumstances his children could not appear here, so we were asked to locate the wicked one's check book which was in the house. The daughter said it was needed in this secondary account to pay the bills.
OK when you are in geezer central, they come for the money. His main account was getting his retirement but that probably was not covering the geeze home. So the secondary account is now necessary to pay bills which the son is engaged in.

The problem is, there is no check book. We looked where it should be and it was not there. We looked in other places, no check book and odd thing is, there are not even any checks. Just the old copies of checks from years ago.

The daughter asked if he had brought his check book with him, but it is not at the geeze home, so she wondered if his second wife was given that material..........wicked one says he can not remember.

Believe me, this man knows money, knows checks like an anal exam. He dots every I and crosses every T when it comes to money. He gets a kick out of screwing others out of money and he gets a kick out of having money as it validates him.

So where is the check book?  I am betting that this manipulator gave it to his ex wife, along with all the checks. That is HIS money and he is not going to share it or use it to pay for geezer care. I have suspected his being nice again, is his move to get out of that facility. I'm betting he thinks if he stops paying the full amount for the home, then the home will kick him out. He is not aware that facilities have the authority to search for all your assets and seize them to pay bills. He is once again playing a game where he thinks he is smarter than the dodge.

Of course, the wife he never lives with, he is going to make the jump into her house. He will then manipulate the kids to haul his ass back this direction, because they do not want him, and of course he will move back in to his cleaned out shit hole.

It is perfectly him, in being like the mother in coming out of left field with some shit, that no one would suspect as most people are not this devious. Everyone of his children do not want him around, and every one of his children thinks they have him cornered now and he does not need to be watched. He is still the same dangerous snake hiding in the weeds, ready to strike.

From things I have picked up, daddy has joined with Big Hoss in discussing and deciding things. He has suckered that kid in with the attention the kid has yearned for his entire life. The wicked one does not need them to say yes to anything, as it is his money......he just needs them to not say NO.

That is intelligent in stopping paying the bills, so the facility will have a reason to want him out. Wicked one is lying about the checks, which is designed to stymie Big Hoss, who is going through his own problems now. Wicked one has the money, so once he breaks out, he can go back to the original shit trail as least he thinks so.

I happened to mention if the checks could not be found, that online transfers and account closings are possible by just moving all the money out. It is how banks close accounts easiest. They just have you write out a check and that closes the account as it is empty. An E transfer is the same moving of money.

It is such a pity that a poor orphan girl just outwitted a sinister, but not so clever plan. See Wicked one's plans are clever if you believe him. After our experience, I watch what he is doing and always figure he is pulling something, that way I'm not making ignorant excuses and accepting that the geez forgot something.
The mother pulled that forgetting shit for some time, taking advantage of my good nature. Once I figured out what a lying manipulative bitch she was, the tables turned, as she thought she was smarter than me and my good nature would make me color in the boundaries.
That is not the way it works in life. You keep your word to those who earn it. People who betray you, you never trust again and you never owe them anything, least of all the Truth.


 *Update: I still have not been paid.

*Update: I still have not been paid and he is in hell as robbing the poor orphan girl has consequences.
