Thursday, March 24, 2022

How to Clean a Fuel Tank

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this seems to be a theme here in old fuel tanks, I thought I should explain how to clean out the inside of them, as one had like 30 gallons of used penetrating oil and it was nasty.

I was not looking forward to using gasoline or diesel as it is expensive, when JYG mentioned to me to just use hot water. So 10 gallons of hot water and a cup of Arm and Hammer liquid soap, and sloshing it around in rocking it back and forth seemed to work. The one tank which was not so bad, cleaned up right away.

We followed up with filling the tanks, that is 300 gallons each with a garden hose to test for leaks which is vital, and to flush what was in the tank out.

As stated the one tank was clean, but the dirty one, after I got it loaded on the stand, I reached in, an it still had a nasty rust, dirt and oil sludge right by the tap hole. There is not much you can do with that unless you are rich and have a skid steer or tractor, So I plan on fishing out what I can, and then as I have these tanks just kanted down hill away from the hose end.........deliberately so things like water or dirt settles in the opposite end, and that will solve the problem along with making certain that I use a funnel with a screen when putting in fuel the first several barrels full.

Yes if I had the attachment I could put an auto filter on this tank, but I do not have this for farm or tractor gas.

It is just a realty of tanks that are probably 60 years old, have been outside and abandoned for probably the last 20 years as JYG was the person these were dumped off on in discards and there is nothing wrong with them that a little cleaning will clean.

It is cost factors in 100 dollar for a tank and stand, with some cleaning compared to 1000 to 5000 for a new tank. I could not afford gas at those prices, so  you now know how to clean a fuel tank Most will probably not be a disaster, as the one is in really good shape and clean. The other as I said looks like it had penetrating oil which was used dumped into it, which had I known I would have passed, but again, it kept the tank from rusting, so I can dig out some dirty sludge and be glad the barrel holds fuel and does not leak.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

