Friday, March 25, 2022

The Two Legged Virus of Ukraine


The world suffers my papushkin from an attack of the Zellinskyy virus.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After two years of the biological weapon Coronavirus Wuhan and that irritating ass Dr. Anthony Fauci, I honestly did not think there was anything worse that the world could endure, and then comes along this Vodo Zellinskyy from Ukraine.

I mean Fauci had more air time than the Kardashians in issuing Covid mandates, but this prick Zellinskyy who is supposed to be fighting a war on Ukraine is appearing before every fucking parliament and congress in the world lecturing them for not dying fast enough for Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy again appealed to Russia to negotiate an end to the war, but pointedly said Ukraine would not agree to give up any of its territory for the sake of peace.

The Lame Cherry has come to the conclusion, "What do you get if you cross a biological weapon from China with an irritating Italian prick, to overthrow the world?"

The answer if Vodo Zellinskyy. He is now the two legged virus infecting the world with nuclear war.

Nuff Said
