Wednesday, December 29, 2021

45 years an American Left Behind

Lt. Colonel David Louis Hrdlicka

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The United States leadership has proven as corrupt as any nation and the farce of no man left behind

can be no more damning that in the story for the family of Lt. Co. David Hrdlicka of the United States Air Force

The war in Vietnam is either forgotten or unknown as it was not just a corporate war, but a war, but a drug war and a war on thee American psyche. That war was war gamed before it began with a projected loss of 58,000 Americans, and when that number was reached, America packed up and went home.

It was a successful war on America in a war upon Americans and in it the waste of Americans lives was even more tragic than Afghanistan as in Vietnam, the United States abandoned it;s own people.

The story of Lt. Col Hrdlicka was typical of the Americans leftists of that era, where President Richard Nixon was castigated for "expanding the war" into Laos by the media when he was president, but the fact is President Lyndon Johnson and Kennedy whiz kid, Robert McNamara were bombing Laos already in 1966 and no one in the Kennedy media said a word.

Lt. Col Hrdlicka on the date of his being shot down flew a mission out of Thailand, into Laos to hit North Vietnamese positions in the area which held a vast network of extensive caves. The short story of this is the Lt. Colonel's plane was hit, he parachuted out and was captured by communists in Laos allied with Vietnam.

This is where the life of this American forever changed, as while in captivity, he was tortured and like John the hero McCain, made propaganda recordings to assist the communists, so he could return home to his family.

In McCain's case he was connected in his father and grandfather were Navy admirals, so McCain being the songbird of the communists was swept away. For the Lt. Colonel life would be forever ended, as he had infuriated the old guard , the same old guard who had him flying illegal missions out of Thailand and then told his wife to keep her mouth shut in order to protect her husband's life, as the Pentagon and State Department were moving to protect themselves.

The Air Force would announce in 1969 that Lt. Col Hrdlicka had died in captivity and was listed as dead.

You willl understand the problem with this death in 1969 in reading the quote below.

On May 18, 1965, then Capt. David L. Hrdlicka was the pilot of the lead F105D, call sign "Plymouth 41," in a flight of four conducting an early morning interdiction/strike mission. Their intended target was a road heavily used by the communists to transport troops and supplies through the region. The briefed flight path was from Takhli Airfield to the target and back to Takhli. When Plymouth flight arrived in the target area, they found it was obscured by clouds. The flight circled for 15 to 20 minutes until the clouds went by allowing the pilots to visually recognize the target.

Weather conditions in the target area consisted of scattered clouds at 5,000 feet, broken clouds at 8,000 feet, another layer of broken clouds at 12,000 feet, and overcast at 20,000 feet. Visibility was 10 miles and the winds were calm.

At 0850 hours, Capt. Hrdlicka made his attack run from west to east and parallel to the road with a 30-degree dive angle. As his bombs hit the road, his wingman watched as the flight leader pulled out of his dive toward the south. The wingman commenced his own bomb run. As he pulled off target, he heard David Hrdlicka radio that he had a fire warning light. The pilot of #2 confirmed that lead's aircraft was on fire. At that time Capt. Hrdlicka continued to the south as he climbed his crippled jet to an altitude of 10,000 feet before ejecting.

The other pilots in Plymouth flight saw David Hrdlicka eject and his parachute fully deploy. He landed uninjured in a small valley nestled in the populated, forested mountains laced with primary and secondary roads located approximately 1 mile north of Muong Yong and the target road, 9 miles southeast of a major cave complex, 11 miles southeast of Sam Neua City and 15 miles southwest of the Lao/North Vietnamese border, Sam Neua Province, Laos. This valley was also 110 miles west-northwest of Thanh Hoa and 116 miles southwest of Hanoi, North Vietnam.

None of the other fight members saw him move, or try to remove the chute. After 15 minutes, villagers were seen rolling up the chute and appeared to be taking or assisting the pilot to the village. The villagers did not appear to be armed. The other flight members reported light flak in the target area as well as in the valley where Capt. Hrdlicka landed making their ability to provide rescue air cover very difficult.

According to the Air Rescue after action report from the search and rescue (SAR) personnel: "The pilot was observed to be accompanied by other persons on the ground proceeding to a Lao village near the bailout point. Friendly helicopters transported indigenous personnel to the vicinity of the village. They were informed the downed pilot had been taken by the Pathet Lao." At the time formal SAR efforts were terminated, David Hrdlicka was listed Prisoner of War.

Wartime reports from Pathet Lao defectors placed Capt. Hrdlicka in a cave in the Vieng Xai area of Sam Neua Province through at least 1966. Further, from the time of his capture, and for years afterward, US intelligence tracked David Hrdlicka through various cave complexes in the vicinity of Ban Nakay Teu and Ban Nakay Neua also located in northern Laos. Capt. Hrdlicka and other POWs were also seen and photographed by US spotter teams while being held in these caves. Some times he was alone, other times David Hrdlicka was being held with other well-documented POWs including Charles Shelton. In Capt. Hrdlicka's case, he was photographed in captivity as late as 1969 by US intelligence/surveillance teams.

Lt. Col Hrdlicka was still being photographed as alive in 1969 when the Pentagon stated he had died.  There are further problems in this, as the most powerful Senators in John Kerry. John the hero McCain and Robert Dole, all refused to assist in releasing the file on Lt. Col Hrdlicka which the Pentagon still will not disclose.

There has been a constant propaganda campaign to hide what happened to these abanoned Americans in operations which produced faked photographs to stop the information flow. The very POW network was nothing but an intelligence operation to keep the disclosures of live Americans in captivity and focus upon the dead remains being returned to grieving families.

The Pentagon has never stated in public how they knew Lt. Col Hrdlicka was dead. They have never released the files to the family. We know for certain that recon teams were photographing American POW's .Ross Perot was part of the effort to head a rescue operation for the remaining POW's and he made it his mission to ruin George H W Bush as President, because of the Bush involvement in these abandoned Americans.

There is enough information in this that even Sec. of State Henry Kissinger was aware of Lt. Col Hrdlicka and knew he was abandoning Americans. There is enough information from the Pentagon to understand their announcing he was dead that they have evidence of his death.

How would the Pentagon have such intimate details in the time of war, in a communist ally of North Vietnam and have proof?

There are only two ways. They either had the body and took evidence of the dead body from a grave, meaning they left a dead America GI instead of bringing him home, or a Phoenix team assassinated Lt. Col Hrdlicka to end the "problem" of what to do with an American cooperating with communists, captured fighting where it was against the law, as no one wanted this man on American soil again.

Both of these scenarios are extremely damning for the United States government, and yet this is the only logical conclusion which the evidence projrects.

We know that the Pentagon lied and covered up the entire story of Lt. Col Hrdlicka.

If he was dead, then only three situations were possible.

!. He died of an ailment.
2. The Laotian communists murdered him.
3. The America assassination teams murdered 
Lt. Col Hrdlicka.

It is not logical for the Laotian communists to kill a prize in an American. The Soviets and the Vietnamese would have wanted him. Laos would keep Lt. Col Hrdlicka alive at all costs as a human shield and bargaining chip.
They never would have killed him.

It is possible that Lt. Col Hrdlicka died in confinement from a disease.That would produce a body, but again it damns the Pentagon for leaving a dead American in a grave instead of bringing him home.

The last scenario is a Phoenix squad shot Lt. Col Hrdlicka to end the problem for the American insiders covering all of this up.

With the Pentagon still hiding all of this information, it is likely that the last situation is the close reality as a Phoenix team would have had absolute proof in knowing Lt. Col Hrdlicka was dead, because they executed him.

John the hero McCain was brought back and made a hero. Lt. Col Hrdlicka was left to rot and abandoned by his country. This is a big cover up, as the Lt. Colonel's wingman in training was future Congressman Robert Dornan, and if he was not able to find the facts as a Ronald Reagan lokylaist, then something very damning was being hidden in those Pentagon papers.

It has been 45 years since this American was captured carrying out orders from President Lyndon Johnson and the Pentagon. It is time for closure for his family. It is time for America even in this Dictator Biden era to take responsibility and not leave Lt. Col Hrdlicka behind another day.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
