Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Vic

Of course I'm black. Give me a piece of watermelon and chicken.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was watching this movie with Vic Morrow, Diary of an Assassin or something and Vic did a portrayal of a Black South African and a portrayal of a White American. Vic reminds me of Bradford something who did The Good Guys with Tom Hanks little boy. He was the guy in the West Wing and I saw him in some nerd movie too. 

I think we should have Black Face Awards as I have noticed lots of Afroids doing impersonation of being Caucasian and they are making lots of money and are not ever called out on it.

Take like LeBron James. He constantly does an impersonation of a thinking Caucasian. He fails, but he makes lots of money doing it and no one confiscates his money. I'm sure there are other blacks who get away with being White, take Obama he gets away with being Black when he is really a White Asian, and no one ever makes anything of that as people want to lie to themselves they are not racist.

Bobby Downey II was so Black that I couldn't recognize him. That should get him an award.

Then there are these two. I do't know what they are and I don't care. The woman looks like Bat Girl, but I'm not into women who look like ths.

My favorite black white men and white black men are Gene Hackman and Richard Pryor.. Richard Pryor made allot of money pretending to be Bill Cosby who was pretending to be White. Bill pretended to be Bill Clinton and it got him into jail for a bit for raping women.

See Bill Clinton was pretending here. I don't know what he was pretending, but he sure was not a racist.

Here is Larry Oliver and everyone loves Larry Oliver.

Othello never would have made it if Blacks only acted the part. I saw a Black doing Othello and you just did not believe a Black in the roll.

Any way, Bradley Whiford or something was his name. He looks like Vic Morrow, and I think he should do a remake of the South African film as the Vic in Black Face. In checking though, I don't think Brad could play Vic anymore as he is doing Black all the time.

It wonder what people will look back on this genderstration (castration) in how it morphed from the faking of that Black being the architect to Washington City to the nonsense above. A racist photo a white man behind an black man trying to look intelligent.

Of course Brad took this pose thinking this was his denying white priv, but everyone knows from the synthetic clothes, the glasses, the digital camera, the lighting,  down to even examining this issue all comes from Caucasians. They invented it all and they all through it up.

What more can be said about this than the future will condemn this racism.

Well Vic is back in black face so time to watch the movie.

Nuff Said
