Thursday, December 30, 2021

dark light


As another Lame Cherry exclusive inn matter anti matter.

As you are clueless in Spiritual matters, all that has been arrayed for the past years against humanity, was not against all humanity. HAARP is a weapon that demons play as much as the weather in the destruction it brings. The vax had human hands but it is guided by demons.

The principalities and powers are manifesting in having the numbers of corrupt humans to be their hands, and into their minds through the open portals have come the hidden knowledge. I have been suffering from the attacks for years, and this week has been horrendous in the evil that demons work through people, as it is murderous.

Knowing the source is no more helpful in dealing with the pain as knowing only brings an ending to the questions in what kind of demoniacs are involved in such vile acts.

This is only going to manifest worse. The adversary works through those close to us to disrupt our lives as much as the regime conduits who wield the ultimate power. If you are not being afflicted, you are not Christs. That does not mean a Protestant Christian welcomes the affliction, but it is a marker in why some people have such wonderful lives as they claim God as their source. The darkness does not destroy it's own. It projects light to appear that it is the way, that is the deception.

You must pray that Christ keeps you and all that is in your care from the evil one.  This is not a game nor a movie. This is reality. The One on the White Horse Who rides in, is Christ, but that is not yet, and furious evil is going to be unleashed and it will grow to a frenzy. The conduits of humanity empower this evil and the time is not long before this all works out, which is the reason for the urgency of all which is around us.

For this to work, the frequency or tone of the chaos must resonate through the layers. The tone to penetrate the early layers would not be effective on the later linings of this time. The pitch will change with each accomplishment of each destructive phase.

Death is not a pitch of a scream of agony. Death is a low resonating form as life slows down.

The injured and rejected male seeks ground, the basement as their banishment for there the earth absorbs their frequency. Each of you must give ground to continue on. You must trust in the Lord, but listen to the ground that will absorb your injuries.

If all of this does not make sense to you, it will resonate more clearly if you survive.

This is short for necessary reasons.

Nuff Said
