Friday, December 31, 2021

A Lesson in Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

ex President Donald Trump is know to gush about his vaxes. He sounds like a Soviet propaganda of how communists invented everything from the telephone to semen. Actually Mr. Trump sounds like Al Gore in having invented the internet while cheating on his wife during a nude massage.

The problem is for ex President Donald Trump is like on Jan6, when you build something, they will come. Not just the nice people, but just like inn 1776 the Founders knew the bad people would come to America too.

See like a vax, Donald Trump can be against mandatory vaxing, but a government can be by the People, of the People and for the People, and for the same vax reasons, these People become political prisoners tortured by their own government over Jan6.

The Constitution has safeguards against dictators, but with the vax, the dictators have taken control and have now become the plague on the body politic.

The very thing, the Pandora's Box, which Donald Trump created to save the world, is now what is destroying the world as people have no rights in being vaxed, just like rape, it is by force this vax rape.

It is too bad that ex President Donald Trump is such an ignorant man. Power, like guns, like a vax is really nothing if not used. In the wrong hands it becomes a deadly thing, and the thing is, Donald Trump can say he is against something, but others are for it, and they have the power and the guns he gave up, like he abandoned his people on Jan6.

What Donald Trump says does not matter. It is the humans who have the vax, the guns and the power matter.

The fact is if Donald Trump had done nothing. Natural immunity would have solved Coronavirus Wuhan. There would not be Covid. There would not be variants due to the vax and there would not be people with horrendous mRNA injuries who will continue to die.

This blog warned the ex President not to be linked to this vax, instead he double downed, owned it, and told his own people to be vaxed. This is now the Trump legacy. The legacy is Tyranny by vax.

Nuff Said
