Saturday, December 25, 2021

How German is Vladimir Putin


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog alone has made the point, that when Vladimir Putin was vaxed, that his entire personality changed. He transformed from the most accomplished diplomat to a threatening war provocateur. 

As the vaxes have shown in America a change in personality from sullenness to a giddiness, the mRNA synthetic prion appears to affect different parts of the brain, depending on the pharm source. For Americans, their doses have brought a sullen isolationism and a biddy Pollyanna outlook of "Don't worry be happy as death does not even matter".

For the Russians, they have become menacing and driven for war. If you were of a guild that Mama Rothschild once bragged that no war started without her boys making money off of both sides, would it not be possible that Ashkenaz who number less than a percentage point of the global population and yet control most of the global keys to power, might engage to start another global war where Americans and Europeans are the dumb pen raised gazelles and the Russians and Chinese are the driven predators, and this was all zombie achieved by an mRNA programming which rewired the thought processes of the mind, like a severe blow to the head would do. Don't worry be happy brain is about to meet nuke them all brain.

Gone is the Vladimir Putin of restraint and the person admired by the American sporting community. Mr. Putin is a a mirror image of the ghoul Anthony Fauci. Mr. Putin's cohort is the strange Klaus Schwab and at the key in this is a mass vax of Russians, with a beast bar code which Russians can not access anything in Russian society, unless they have this social code to be scanned, stating they are vaxed.

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All 85 regions of Russia now have decrees requiring certain segments of the population to get the shot.

On December 17, Putin voiced support for a nationwide QR code law—one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation in recent Russian history. The introduction of digital health IDs would in essence make vaccination compulsory for those who want to partake in life’s most ordinary activities.

So Vladimir Putin is implementing the German, Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum agenda in the Kremlin. As this is German Assyrian based again in a coming world war by vax command, it would be of interest to know what German pharm says about the vaxes.

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That concludes all. The serum is gene therapy and who the vax does not protect against the Covid, because it is not a vaccine. It is a platform mRNA which is designed for the purposes of evolving society in one massive sweep as changing as the world from cave man to industrial revolution.

Vladimir Putin is joining Germans, placing Russians with German names and who look like Germans at the heads of state operations to implement the vax agenda, all linked to economic controls. People keep focusing on the societal changes, economic changes, social changes, but even as much as societies have changed the past several years, there is that group of ReVaxNiks which are a Nationalist, Protestant, Libertarian type, who are not going to change.

This serum appears to be killing off certain naturally immune groups in the Lost 10 Israelites and Neanderthals. The far point in this is, the logical conclusion to so psychologically rape and terrify a planet population to traumatize it to leave the past experience behind and become Stockholm Syndrome possessed would be what has been taking place in psychological DNA evolution, plague trauma, the removal of social comforts as lights and heat in shock therapy and perhaps knowing a few asteroids would hit to cause a martial law, while a great war obliterated segments of society so the remaining fodder would be like wild horses run to the ground and you just walk up, put on a rope and lead them away, as they would be so broken they would accept anything.

The forensic psychology behind this does have science and that science has a purpose. It is logical what is taking place, has taken place and will  take place for there is reason behind it and the reason will bring specific results to humanity or what is left of the race.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin allied could have saved the Protestant world. Both chose the world instead and peace will not be the outcome.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
