As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I finally figured out what Rush Hudson Limbaugh orchestrated to keep himself viable after death, in he took a page from Ronald and Nancy Reagan, and hired flunkies who worked for him to write things about him, to force a narrative, as the world has honestly forgotten all about Rush Limbaugh as this blog noted.
First there was the book by the black guy that Limbaugh paraded around and now there is missing Limbaugh at Christmas from something at is being psuhed by Populist Press in the Republic Brief. The writer of the propaganda states he was part of Limbaugh's staff, which is really pathetic in Rush Hudson Limbaugh III had no friends or family in life, who would say nice things about him, so he had to pay people to do it after death.
Of course, it wasn’t that simple. It was clear that Rush had a complex character. I would dare to call it his own redemption story, but his Christmas transformation did not occur all at once. Rush explicitly stated that Christ fulfills exquisite spiritual yearning. Rush’s grateful prayer to the Giver of Life is where Christmas begins after he got sick: “Every day is a gift. Every day I wake up, I thank God that I have it.” Glory to God in the highest.
In reading the above, the horrid debauchery of Manheim Steamroller, a music Limbaugh loved, but is nothing traditional nor pretty in it's jazzed up haze, the propagandist tells us all Rush Limbaugh was a Christian or something.
OK, I'm not here to Judge Rush Limbaugh as that is Christ's domain. All I can do is look at the fruit of Rush Limbaugh after he knew he was dying. Rush Limbaugh plagiarized me and this blog as others have done, or I should say their staff stole my stuff and when I stated Limbaugh owed me 11 million dollars plus interest, Limbaugh never did a thing to pay up.
The fact is the CIA which ran ABC Cap Cities birthed out of William Casey, took all the money in radio and paid Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, which destroyed the lives of numbers of Conservatives in media as there was not air time nor money to make a living.
Did Rush Limbaugh out of his billion dollar bank account, make amends to those people in his dying days?
There is the statement from Jesus to the rich man of "Go and sell all you have and give it to the poor".
Did Rush Limbaugh give all the government ladled onto him and stole from us, back to the poor?
What is appears is Rush Limbaugh was most concerned that the world would trash him. He should not have been, because the people who attacked Limbaugh were the same paid assets who caused the Jan6 problems. See the world has forgotten Rush Limbaugh and could care less, so the Limbaugh propaganda machine is out there telling all in that void what a great guy Limbaugh was and without the Mockingbird employed to refute the claim in this staged battle, the Limbaugh propaganda just dongs like a muffled bell in the cold night like a thud in the dark.
So that is the reality in this in what this duck looks like. Rush Limbaugh did not make amends for harming so many people on the Right, no his thoughts were about paying people to say propaganda about him.
Really pathetic and that is the kind of legacy you get when you are a regime asset who is shallow and is using Jesus as cover, when your real actions prove you have not changed at all.
Nuff Said