As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reading the other day that Anthony Fauci was claiming he and his family got death threats, and was blaming FOX and some other person, but the problem is FOX even said what it's host said was not reported accurately and we all know that Anthony Fauci lies constantly, so why would anyone harm Tony Fauci when he is not taken seriously by anyone.
Even Senator Rand Paul said to forget about Tony Fauci and just go live your lives, as the things Dr. Fauci comes up with are ludicrous from wearing so many masks you would suffocate to telling people to not come for Christmas if they are unvaxed.
Normal people just do not think like Dr. Fauci or act like him, so no one would take him serious.
Of course the Lame Cherry and everyone else, wants no harm to come to Dr. Fauci or his family, for the obvious reasons. Harming others accomplishes nothing and the fact is Anthony Fauci has provided more data to convince people to not be vaxed than any group ever could.
I mean his latest attack on Robert Kennedy jr, was just beneath all dignity. Digging up dead Kennedy's, using Kennedy's against each other and the Doctor linking himself as a martyr who would be done in by someone inspired by RFK jr, just makes normal people cringe. Anthony Fauci is an old man, who never developed any skills in insulting people or smearing them. He was put into a position of power, being easily bought, he will do anything for power and as shown he has no limits in attacking Robert Kennedy with his own dead father, and besides that, as long as the Mockingbird media provides cover in these odd interviews, Tony Fauci just keeps jumping over the edge to greater ruination of all he is.
Biden's Freudian Slip - Is The US Military About To
Be Deployed Against The American People?
Fauci - If Your Family Member Is Unvaxed,
Tell Them Not To Show Up
Bannon - 'War On The Unvaxed Is About To Start'
Prikspijt - New Dutch Word Of The Year
Translates To 'Vaccine Regret'
Washington DC To Introduce Vaccine
Passports In January
Anthony Fauci has become a caricature which people wince at. He just is off putting when he insults people as it is awkward and uninformed. He reminds one of a 3rd world retard or a monkey at the zoo, picking their anus and throwing turds at people as a great statement in a debate. I do pity this person and pity the government medical community as Tony Fauci has been on display for two years, and he ruined Donald Trump and has ruined Joe Biden with the same rhetoric which a growing majority of Americans do not want any part of.
The fact is Anthony Fauci is a shill for the vax industry. His treatment with Remdesivir for Covid was rejected by the world and it harms people, just as it harmed homosexuals with AIDS. Covid is killing people due to Remdesivir, not the other way around. There is enough proof that Delta is the vax. There is enough proof that Omicron is not dangerous at all, no more than the common cold. The world has moved on from Anthony Fauci and the PLA of Wuhan China, but Anthony Fauci for attention is still claiming the sky is falling down.
There are people who deserve credit for surviving the pandemic, and that is the human race. The worst things have been done to them and they are still alive as a species. They behaved themselves well and are as much as their immune systems are ready to put this plague behind them because even the virus is evolving down to less lethal strains.
Anthony Fauci and the damage he did to the medical nursing community is what will fade away in 2022 as people just want to forget all of this disaster. People are not out for revenge. They just have gained knowledge in this gain of function and are not going to be suckered again as now they know how to survive a plague, and they did it all without the people running this circus dictating to them.
2022 AD in the year of our Lord is time to leave Covid behind and leave Anthony Fauci with this bad experience.
Nuff Said