Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Ukraine is not Afghanistan


We were a people, once.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In an interesting repetition of Dictator Stalin wiping out tens of millions of Ukrainians in genocide, the United States Dictator, Joe Biden, is with coming dictator, Vladimir Putin is about to finish off the people of Ukraine by setting up a Ukraine Muhajadin to fight Russia the same way the Muhajadin fought the Soviets in Afghanistan.


In military terms, the Ukrainian army isn’t a match for Russian troops, but it’s 50 percent larger than the force Ukraine had in 2014, when Russia seized Crimea. In addition, sources said that about 500,000 Ukrainians have had some militia training since 2014, and that at least a million weapons are in private hands. These would be among the building blocks for an insurgency. U.S. planners have discussed weapons caches and other logistical tools that could support a potent “stay-behind network” if Russia invades.

The United States has supplied Javelin antitank weapons to the Ukrainian military, initially under tight controls. Similar controls would probably apply to any antiaircraft weapons, to make sure they didn’t fall into terrorist hands. Although the United States might not supply the antiaircraft weapons directly, deliveries could be made by U.S. allies or partners.

A small number of U.S. Special Operations forces have been advising the Ukrainians, as part of a U.S. military team of about 150 people there now.

The CIA also has a paramilitary branch with experience in organizing insurgencies in Afghanistan and Syria.

For those not familiar with history, the Lame Cherry revisits the triumph of President Jimmy Carter and his Polish genocidist in Zbigniew Brzezinski in progressing a weakened theater in Afghanistan to lure the Soviets in for their own Vietnam.

Afghanistan is unique in being the perfect terrain for guerrilla warfare in it's steep craggy mountains What the Biden Pollyannas have not focused on is the Soviets almost succeeded in wiping out the Afghani fighters, save for one thing. President Ronald Reagan began supplying SAM or Stinger missiles to the Muhajadeen, a shoulder fired missile that reduced the necessary Soviet close air combat support to rubble.

The Russians learned a great deal about warfare in Afghanistan and under Vladimir Putin learned how to fight a guerrilla enemy in another American invention in the Chechen War. The Russians were ruthless in Chechnya and wiped the population out.

If one examines Chechnya, it is the mirror of Ukraine. Ukraine has hills, not mountains, many short of 2000 feet, without any cover.There are not any forests to hide in, even if  forests could hide heat signatures.

The last time a rear action war worked in Ukraine was in World War II against the Nazi of Germany. The only reason it worked was the Germans advanced so fast that organized pockets who had reason to fight, could regroup in recesses and snipe at the German officers.

The Germans attacked in the mild months of autumn. The Russians when they attack will be in the hard frozen months in 60 degree cold. Any Ukrainian organizations would leave heat signatures in dwellings and be bombed from beyond Stinger range.

The Biden experts can fantasize about resistance fighters and Ukraine resistance, but it would be murder. The Russians will do to Ukraine what they did to Chechnya, only quicker, as the Ukrainians will not fight with the die hard attitude that other races will fight. As much as I love the Slavic peoples, they are not not a master race and they are not the butchers of Asia.

The Poles and other Slavs do not have the stomach to run a border war against Russia, because Russia will come for them, doing to east Europe what the communists did in the Vietnam to Cambodia and Laos

What is being set up is the Hitler agenda to reduce eastern Europe to a depopulated frontier. In this it will either be peopled by low IQ Muslims or Negroids, and will be ruled by either the English or the Russians in who would win.

This is all being set up to force Russia to come out of the den, just like China. Both are brain vaxed to become aggressors and the door is open. Russia to protect itself from NATO nukes, will annex Ukraine. Once in Ukraine, the seers say that a series of terrorist events in the Balkans which will draw Russia out to invade all of Europe for the big war. Do not expect this to drag out for years, out of necessity it will be Ukraine and Upheaval aimed at Russia and Russia will respond as much as China in the Pacific.

From a Tacticians operational assessment, subduing Ukraine would be like cutting up a steak and devouring it. This blog had explained how Afghanistan could have been subdued, but that was not the point, as war was. Obliterating populations on a national scale is as simple as spraying a root worm infestation.

The only thing which would save the Ukrainians is if Russia is not afforded time to settle the issue. What will save the Ukrainians will be the obliteration of populations further west in this Great Eurasian War.

Joe Biden is joining the genocidists, what is engaged in with the vax in America is but he beginning in what is come, as nuclear war began in England long ago in assassinations and, chemical warfare in Syria and  with germ warfare unleashed on the world in 2019. 

When this starts, it will not be just Ukraine, but nations in Europe and yes even untouchable America will find things disappeared.

The Nazi's showed restraint in World War II, the Soviets in Berlin, the British in Dresden and the Americans in Tokyo did not. This scorched earth is coming in unrestrained warfare on national scale. Ukraine will be but on a long list of peoples who will become a footnote like other peoples who were once a nation.

Nuff Said
