Monday, January 3, 2022

Dictator BIden protects ex president Trump

Have you had your Trump vax

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us all agree on one proven point now, there was an insurrection in the United States on January 6th, and those behind it were in the Defense Intelligence Agency, with the Federal Bureau of Investigation holding the bag men.

When the FBI published images of suspect 16 in its Capitol Violence Most Wanted list of people to identify two days after the violence, he was named Suspect 16.

In a dramatic twist, he is now being accused of another allegiance, that of the FBI.

The coup plotters in the regime accomplished a most successful operation to intimidate Americans to silence them, but they did something very stupid for them, well not for them as the 1% is brilliant in all they do, but what was not very intelligent for those pawns involved who think they are untouchable is THEY LEFT A PAPER TRAIL.

It is this trail that the sham House Committee is digging into featuring DIA operative, Adam Schiff. Schiff is well aware what is in those documents, and that they detail the planning of this operation and those involved. This shielding by Biden allows for blackmailing of those whose names are on the documents. So it is a brilliant win win for the 1%. They have more than pedo porn to blackmail those involved and do not have to rely on hybrid bloodline assurances, as now the regime is these operatives protector and they either bend at the waist or they end up like Jizzy Maxwell.


The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol has agreed to defer its request for hundreds of pages of records from the Trump administration, bending to the wishes of the Biden White House.

The deferral is in response to concerns by the Biden White House that releasing all the Trump administration documents sought by the committee could compromise national security and executive privilege.

President Joe Biden has repeatedly rejected former President Donald Trump’s blanket efforts to cite executive privilege to block the release of documents surrounding that day. But Biden’s White House is still working with the committee to shield some documents from being turned over.

There are by logic, various orders to stand down, various warnings which were ignored by the gate keepers, and a perfect Edward Lansdale operation in how to bait trusting people in to make them criminals.

For those in prison being tortured as political prisoners, yes their world is gulag archipelago horrid, but once they are broken and their lives wasted they will be released in their old age, and the joy of this is, while they will have zero rights as Americans, they will not be those in the NSA who are going to be Jizzy Maxwell blackmailed again one day. The political prisoner will be free. those whose names are on those White House documents are never going to be released from those chains, as those 3 dolt generals who were trotted out for their whore's wage to claim civil war was coming in another fraud election.

There are two points in this which need to be mentioned. David John Oates in reverse speech discovered two things. The first was that Donald jr and Rudy Guiliani were egging this event on. Second, when Donald Trump's reversals have now again switched to something like he was as a good person in 2015 AD in the year of our Lord, Mt. Oates is attacked as people have had enough of Donald Trump. Donald Trump has no base anymore after he abandoned them to the gulag.

So Joe Biden protects Donald Trump, for blackmail and for blackmail. Donald Trump is earning his 30 pieces of silver in herding more Trump supporters to get the vax for which Donald Trump is rightly booed.

I can tell you after the past stolen elections, and yes this began with Bush43, that if Donald Trump is installed again, after all the corrupt voting systems which Donald Trump NEVER RECTIFIED in case you need to be reminded of that, Donald Trump will be as fraud as Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will be the soft glove to the right to sodomize them and other baby butcher industry profit centers like New York and California.

This is just what is behind Dictator Biden protecting Donald Trump. I'm not voting for anything in the national elections as they are all frauds, so I will not waste my time in any of this.

The sad part in this is Sarah Palin is the voice of reason on the right.  With her Peyton Place family she is nothing to be desired as she cut and run like Donald Trump. Donald Trump though is a company man and is protected and is filing the papers to be a tourist on the right.

In a fair Republican election, Donald Trump would not receive 10% of the vote. Donald Trump is literally the Hillary Clinton of the GOP. If you study Trump, the lawsuits against him, the investigations, that is exactly how they control Hamrod who is being promised her geezer run in 2024, as that baby blood is rejuvenating all these wonderful people.

That is the reality. Donald Trump had the same friends as the Clintons and he has the same operation to keep him in line. It is the wonderful times in the last days of Samaria.

Nuff Said
