As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I listen often to a rogue Canadian, whose family was black marketeers against the Nazis in Belgium, whose name is Verstapen on Rense, and I do enjoy his basic criminal mindset and how he trains primates.
He likes hanging around with people who sell him black market cigs in Canada as he won't pay full price. He always has a plan for getting out of trouble when he is breaking man made laws. He is in my verbiage a good shit. He is JYG and the other people I associate with in the Brier, because right wing or left wing, they know enough to keep their mouths shut and never know anything.
In many ways if you hear Verstapen, you hear me. His advice was to bake cookies and then give a few away to people you want to make contact in farmers with food supply and soon you are the cookie lady.
I can tell you in the Brier, TL and I smile allot and are the smiling couple.Now you can't act like I do i the metro as those people are all zombie stick up the ass and you have to work on them to get them even to talk with all the regs, but in the hinterlands, I always engage people, bullshit them and I ask about them and their health. They appreciate it.
As I was sitting at my Grandpa's place where we are caretakers, it occurred to me some Verstapen advice that he had not touched upon. Yes people always have their bug out bags, piles of shit they plan to take with them, but they never dry run through things.
I will give you a bit of an eye opener to our lives here. I honestly do not know the last time we ate at home. I think it might have been some take out Pizza.......yes it was as we got a Pizza Hut deal and it was that Detroit shit pizza, the guy dropped two slices on the floor, so we got 3 pizzas and were eating pizza for two weeks I think. God was providing for us, but before that I have no idea when we last ate at home.
So where do we eat? We eat at Grandpas. We found a cooler on the road ditch which we pack our cold things in on hot days, and that is what we take over. There is a shitty microwave that you have to spin the table to get it going, an Air Fryer from JYG and that is how we warm things up if needed. We do dishes from breakfast before we leave, the blog is composed over there, and we have things to do there in upkeep, and we eat over there.
What is the point in this? The point is Grandpas is our emergency retreat point as well as others. We are so comfortable there, that includes nap time, that if we ate supper here where we are, it would feel strange. The reason I'm telling you this, is if you have to be displaced, for some reason you will notice the hot and cold worse as it is foreign, and you will not be as comfortable sleeping or eating. It does not matter if it is a trailer, a pick up bed or a hotel room. If you have not run a dry run to get used to a routine in your mind, it is going to be more stressful.
You also might discover that sleeping in a tent sucks shit or being Gorilla Cernovich with two kids in shit pants, and the wife in a trailer is not the kind of thing that keeps the Persian from selling the Jew out for orange marmalade.
As I type this, it occurs to me that I need another project to complete, if you have money, GREAT, but as I do not, I need to put together of see if JYG has a small wood stove thing. I would rather have a big stove, but the point is it needs to transport. There are shepherd's stoves that collapse, but I need something for heat with things that burn, some stove pipe and a non burning square with a stove pipe hole cut in it that I could nail to the slot of an open window, as sheds have windows usually, but the point is, there are not going to be abandoned houses or cabins for sometime, and abandoned sites or buildings like sheds are a good place to hole up. Again, having permission is great, but some of the locations I know of it would alert people too much, and it is better no one knows. All the same, I know one place has a chimney hole and the others.........I might have to help things along as prepositioning things would save me time in cache locations. Yes a plastic seal-able clothes hamper with food in a bag, chlorine for water, cups and dishes and voila you got something for an emergency.
All of the mountain men, plainsmen and trappers had caches for emergencies they kept hidden away, or in trapping so they did not haul their traps as they were heavy.
The point in this is get your comfort zone. There are places I have looked at that smell like, like musty mouse shit and the fact is that would make me quite miserable. Ideas are great but you have senses which will be violated so figure it out before anything happens and you will be a hundred moves ahead of everyone else.
If you are a grubber on the street, you could survive just about anything but you have climate control warm beds and your routines are your security. Never underestimate the necessity of your comfort zone in keeping you alive. Lots of Indians went tits up not from lack of food or shelter, but because they were out of their comfort zone.
That is something you have to plan for you. If you can only be comfortable in manufactured surroundings then that limits a great deal and you will probably die in a tent. My limits are being wet and cold. I plan for that. You must tailor your moves to your situation and what you can cope with.You may be able to sleep on the ground but in all the stress, you would do better off the ground on some soft material. Gee I have 3 cots in the camper plus the two beds in there. Even my plan D's have back up systems in them.
My hope is to never have to get past Plan B. I'm still preparing and still refining and adding and I have been doing this since I was a child. God is still providing ideas like the stove and vent which will probably save a few of you ungrateful people.
Just so you know a newspaper is not a tent and it is not a home in the rain.
Who did this 😂
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 22, 2021