Saturday, January 22, 2022

I seem like a Good Person

Say you wouldn't be related to Alec Baldwin would you?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to thank Janet for the donation as I appreciate it, and as I have a few errands to do in a bit, I have a bit of time to touch base with the Lame Cherry family again.

It has been hard here, HAARP hard. I was sorting through my extended piles of wood under snow in trying to stretch the wood we do have cut. It is not like with the snow we have and the cold that I can go out and get wood now.

So that was my Sabbath, I was finding wood to keep warm and Janet was donating because rich people with heated floors keep saying how poor they are.

The wood today is for short burns to keep the house warm until the cold comes.

Message:              LC, thank you for your blog. I had to wait until I started drawing social security to donate to you. You seem like a good person. 

I do not know how much Brier Patch your part of the world is, but if someone read the "You seem like a good person" assessment of me around here, they would give a smart ass remark of not knowing me very well.

While I can not go into detail here, I'm currently in the process of protecting a woman who appears that someone is plotting to make physical harm a realilty, on top of the financial harm he has already done. I really hate me who prey on women, as they are of the class of the trinket women who keep pussy pulling on vulnerable men by the dozen manipulating them for attention and never having any intention of fulfilling those men's dreams. That makes it harder on all of us, as good women end up with these angry men, who got that way from bad women. They are all low like child molesters in those who abuse others.

So yes I'm a good person, John Wayne fiction type good. I answer to God and that is how I carry out my life.

TL and I were talking about bad people today, in how when we prayed for toxic things to happen with them, they always grew stronger. The mother was an example. She was a feeder like numbers of people are in other people's energies. When she broke trust and betrayed me, I reached break point and said my protective shield was not for her any more. The woman dropped like a rock as I was the source of her soul sucking. No one has a right to suck life out of others. I detest people who do that.

So I have been known to cut them off. Am working on some hard case nasty tools of satan as I have had enough of them. Yesterday I had one invade my space as our check out gal who knows I detest this bottom feeder had her eyes squinting with tears in them as she was laughing at my one word answers as he was trolling me for information............connected to the above woman whose life is in danger.

I really was upset after that encounter, as in malevolent aura around me upset in it was not rational in I was worried about everything. It came down to it the Holy Ghost was explaining to me that this pricks' real hatred and harm against me is what I was feeling. I'm supposed to be shielded from this stuff I thought, but this is the  second time this has happened this year. Dark energy is bad and it affects people. I'm attempting to deal with this in a Spiritual Fire way and I hope to see the results, as when things work as a Spiritual Sapper, the results are incredible. Just need to find the correct Way in the Lord and I know results will happen which will be pleasing.

Well it has risen to a balmy 10 above. Time to Godspeed our way to getting some things done, then going gopher for 36 horus again in the cold I pray is not that cold. I really need the snow to melt and I need sunny warm days, well we all need that, as that delivers us from the evil of winter and HAARP.

I will not be telling people I meet today that someone said I seem like a good person, as I would hear that remark to Jesus coming back. It is the Brier and I know what Janet meant by it, as you can't tell what the hell is up with people these days in they are all frauds. They all lie. The person I'm dealing with is a kid I knew as a kid and I liked him. Never would have dreamed he was a tool of satan like he is, and no one else suspected a thing either, especially the woman who has been taken to the cleaners.

I have some advice for all of you though as I close this out. Do not put people's names on your things unless you are still in control, as it is easier to put names on than take names off. Expect that people will hate you for being generous. Expect they will think, "Hey, Doris has lots of money, she would want me to use that credit card to buy me an ATV". People are always generous with other people's money. And lastly, if you trust  the wrong people, you will find out new ways of hell in things you never dreamed of, like those who got involved with Donald Trump in he spent their money, laundered it and left them holding the tax bag and the debt. Yes Donald Trump taught lots of petty thieves how to do it in the bigger time.

Thank you to those who have donated. It is pleasing in these black times to know that there are still a few good people out there. God bless you and keep each of you in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.

Nuff Said
