Saturday, January 22, 2022

What do you do when the Covid is gone


Great Now I Can Go Back To Taking Whore Selfies
and not nursing.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is posting this short version to get it into your minds and understanding that the paradigm is shifting after 2 years. The bioweapon of Wuhan has run it's course. It has achieved the results.

Remember that ghoul Fauci was stating that normal would not return until fall 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. He immediately was thrust back out and made to change his story to spring of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord.

I had picked up information and inquiry that something is being initiated this spring. I have hinted at it and will not go into detail, but too many events are pivoting on this second quarter as it begins. The money has run out from Trump's vax. There will be a bogus 4 boost and then that cash cow will be gone.

Meet you on the other side.

Pfizer CEO Predicts ‘Return to Normal’ by Spring But Expects COVID-19 to Circulate for Years

That means what is coming is built on the conditioning of the past two years so you will accept more shackles to change the way you think and accept it.

The prion has completed what it was intended for. Look for the next series of events. The Dictator built a concrete wall around the White House for a reason in something you can not fathom is on the horizon when this shifts. It is so the Secret Service does not have to have piles of dead on the lawn. Do not think this is zombies or riots. This is some other reasoning which will be made clear when you see it. 

Gerald Celente stated in his trends journal that March would shift from Covid to Climate Change. The next phase is starting and what was is being wrapped up.

If I were rich, I would start making those large donations here to keep me pleasant and not bitching to God about you. It may not help you as allot of people are bitching about you, but you do need some good feelings about you, and I do have those for those who show some respect.

The human signs are there. You should be assessing for what is coming and not wait until it starts.

Nuff Said
