Conan O’Brien Delivers Grim Reflection on January 6: ‘I Think The American Experiment Is Ending’
O’Brien jokingly pointed towards the rioters anxiety for the reason they decided to storm the capitol. “When you’re stressed you try to undue a 220 year constitutional experiment,” O’Brien said. “That’s what we all do when we’re stressed.”
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When I read commentary by Americans like Conan O'Brien, the first thought is the only thought, in Conan wanted a child sniffing, fart at Camilla, Covid bungling, world war mongering senile Joe Biden to take the White House by any means.
Conan and his kind thought it was wonderful Bill Clinton, a draft dodging, dope smoking, union busting, woman raping sex deviant in the White House, rather than George Bush and Bob Dole, and Conan and his kind wanted Birther Hussein Obama in the White House other than John the hero McCain or Mitt Romney.
It would be news to Conan O'Brien that the same BLM and ANTIFA police state riots are a tradition for the American Right too, as Samuel Adams started the Boston Massacre and his people got shot, just like MacArthur shot down US Veterans after World War I for rioting on the Capitol.
The Great American Experiment is as Thomas Jefferson stated, fed by the letting of periodic blood of Americans dying on both sides is the stuff liberty and freedom are built upon. This is not advocating violence, it is reiterating history as it is. The only decline in a democracy is when one site is the police state protecting one mob as their terrorists against another group who is labeled terrorists. What Thomas Jefferson was stating was the free implementation of defensive violence in groups against each other is what is a mob of people finding a way to govern themselves as the violence burns out and peace prevails until suppression and denial of rights occurs again.
The problem with Jan6 was that it was abandoned by ex President Donald Trump, was set up by the police state, and exploited by the revolving chair of Obama in Pelosi, Biden and whatever else squeals in that community organized group.
The reality is that Donald Trump is not some leader of an American revolution. He is incapable of anything of George Washington or Andrew Jackson. He was as lackluster as Barack Hussein Obama, just filling a suit designed for him.
So Jan6 appears. Donald Trump starts something a second time and then runs away abandoning the dead on the field again. Speaker Pelosi and Dictator Biden, will hoist the dead police officers who committed suicide as their talismans, but not tell the Truth that these cops killed themselves as they could not deal with the butchery they watched other officers enjoy in beating up Americans that day, shooting them and gassing them.
Donald Trump abandoned Ashli Babbitt and the others trampled to death caused by the stampede that the police caused.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on Saturday, January 15th, in Arizona—It will be a big crowd! What has become more and more obvious to ALL is that the LameStream Media will not report the facts that Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Sergeant-at-Arms denied requests for the D.C. National Guard or Military to be present at the Capitol. Their emails and correspondence with the Department of Defense exist, but the media won’t ask for this evidence, or report the truth!
This is the Democrats’ Great Cover-Up Committee and the Media is complicit. Why did Adam “Shifty” Schiff forge and change the statement of Congressman Jim Jordan without any consequence? Why will Crazy Nancy Pelosi not provide her communications with the House Sergeant-at-Arms and the House Chief Administrative Officer, or promise to retain these vital messages, which many feel she has already destroyed—perhaps illegally? Also, why is the primary reason for the people coming to Washington D.C., which is the fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election, not the primary topic of the Unselect Committee’s investigation? This was, indeed, the Crime of the Century.
I look forward to seeing our Great American patriots in Arizona next weekend for a big rally to Save America!
The problem with Jan6 is the lies. The lie that is was a cover up of a political set up for a bigger political power grab in the midst of a plague created by the same people. The Great American Experiment was not about peaceful governance. If you read the Constitution the word peace never occurs. This is not about peace. This is about the personal struggle of those with power being struggled against those who are denied power.
Orderly societies only occur when he majority believe they in control and when the minority believe they have a chance at gaining control. Orderly societies only occur when there is a police state making political prisoners and terror of enough people. to make them submit. The last is the America which Conan O'Brien envisions is a country held together with his dictatorship ruling and others submitting.
ex president Donald Trump is perfect for this kind of America, as he leads people to a point and then abandons them to disorganization again.
America is a paramilitary police state. It has more spies than domestic terrorists in domestic terrorist meetings. The events of one year later are another fraud of the cover up and everyone knows it and no one cares, because who wants to listen to multi millionaires on Congress whine about how in danger they were on Jan6 when every American has faced a bioweapon plague for two years like the streets of Chicago and survived. That is reality not theater.
The Lame Cherry makes the last point in this. America did not end on Jan6 of 2021. Those with the guns got the regime they wanted, they suppressed a majority and hunted them down. They are erasing Americans with foreigners. They are flipping paper money to crypto currency. They are taking over the food and medical supply. They are going to start another world war.
They won. They got what they wanted. They should celebrate their prowess instead of hiding behind the lies in this Jan6 theater.
Those who planned Jan6 won. They deserve full credit and should come out from behind the police state and quit hiding.
Nuff Said
In 1981, Prince, himself a rising musical star, suggested that his three female friends—his former girlfriend Susan Moonsie, Boston native ...