Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Fool Fauci


Even in death people still mistake me for that fool!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I see the daily Anthony Fauci headlines, I conclude that the 1% who employs this ghoul really detests this Italian wormy and has a past time in sending him things to say which are the antithesis of a Democratic People.

Dr. Fauci tells Americans they should require holiday guests to prove they are vaccinated   marathon 

Fauci has revealed in forensic psychology that he long ago  bent at the waist to those who run this world in he has absolutely zero interest in how big of fool the 1% make of him. Fauci is like a Barbie Doll zombie who speaks his phrase for the day and then skulks back to the NIH where it must be hell for those who are under him, in having such a fool making every person in the NIH and CDC look like fools.

You know you have reached the bottom of things, when Hair Perm Rand Paul is jousting with you and the guy with the woke perm is telling people to just ignore Fauci like the gopher in the back yard and go live your life as  the rodent chews on the roots of society.

Fauci ordering people to start carding their family and friends in their own homes over the holidays is of course  something liberals will champ at the bit implementing. The problem in this Fauci wokism is these are family and friends. Why on earth would any liberal invite people to their home just to deny them access? Yes Grandma drives 500 miles to see the kids, but a liberal leaves Grandma parked on the curb because  she doe not have her Fauci Card.

Sure this is all coming soon to all of us, in Republicans  gave the CDC power it does not have to make a vax data base to track people. This will soon link to your credit cards and bank accounts shutting them down unless you got the Fauci serum. Fauci is being trotted out though to look ridiculous as there are numbers of people in the 1% who just detest this pill.

Fauci is so not wanted around that even liberals won't bring his name up or defend him.  He is just that creepy fossil who always dresses like a casket exhibit.

I believe the sport made of Anthony Fauci was decided upon when someone in the 1% led this egomaniac out with that odd pedophile book he published, and then cancelled it, humiliating Fauci. It was typical of the genius of the elite in torturing people they hate. Hillary Clinton is a great example.

Fauci is like the pinata which daily they let down and let the public whack at it. The things he says are ludicrous lies and he is so stupid and thin skinned that he then decides to pick a fight with someone who does have some intelligence in Ted Cruz, who then mops the floor with Fauci.....and it goes into part two as Fool Fauci is rushed out the next day to say something to alienate the left and right even more than the day before.

That kind of script writing just does not happen without effort. There is real coordination in those using this vax for their agenda and those who are  using Fauci to humiliate him and make him the worst pariah in history.

It takes a great deal to supplant Marie Antonette with "Let them eat cake" and Fauci's "Let them be vaxed" as Fauci is loading his syringes to inject children with these toxic poisons which have no purpose in children to save them as children do not contract this bioweapon, and adults have over a 99.5% survival rate.  The dead honestly are people who are going to die anyway.........except of course if they had the virus and then were vaxed, then death gets sped up a few years like my dead brother. 

Just consider some of the Fauci gems of the past year.

Fauci used Santa Claus to terrorize children.

Fauci ordered people to wear so many masks it would suffocate them.

Fauci prescribed Remdesvir.......and this is what caused Covid deaths.

Fauci tried to cancel everything from the 4th of July to Thanksgiving.

If there is a stupid idea, you can bet Anthony Fauci will say it and if Anthony Fauci says something  today, well the 1% will change his mind for him by tomorrow.

None of us want harm to come to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the internist who supplanted Dr. Joseph Mengele. Just think of that, Fauci has supplanted the greatest pariah in history. That is an amazing achievement as no Italian allied with Germany in World War II even came close to the shit Anthony  Fauci  has implemented.

Anthony Fauci is just this anathema now. People ignore him, but at the same time like a tree falling, you wonder what that malevolent noise is, before you go on, and you wonder, if this will be the noise that the 1% who own Fauci make his last, before they tuck him away in being tired of the sport they made of him.

I think when this vax stuff is no longer the driving agenda, that the 1% should make Fauci seize some children, holding them hostage and with a syringe to his throat hold everyone hostage as he confesses all the perv things he did. Look, you got to have him telling what a horrid person he is, so that people will pay attention as you know everyone will start chanting for him to jab himself otherwise.
After Fauci's confession, he can be darted by the FBI and then dragged away as CNN announces that Fauci had an emotional breakdown in being bullied by Rand Paul with the permie hair,  and none of what he confessed was really true as he suffered from Cruzholm Syndrome.

You know Fauci looks like Stephen Hawking. There were those Jews who were raping people like Jizzy Maxwell and that Weinstein and they all took to wheelchairs, so maybe with IV's and drool, Anthony Fauci can be tried for something as a side show, as it would make a great distraction and the 1% would find max entertainment in the package.

I'm not the script writer for the 1% but it has to be wearing thin for them for they have been at this for over a year and Fauci is such a psychopathy obsessed with his ego that nothing they do to him gets a response. Fauci seems to in fact have a BDSM thing going on in he likes being humiliated in public. Maybe this is his real reward in he get a Viagra boner being humiliated in public and that is what he looks forward to in getting him out of bed each day.

I just know I would not want to have sold my soul as Faustian Fauci and have this history as my epitaph in being such a complete attack on humanity and getting perve off on it. Money has never mattered that much to me and never will thank God. It is just such a bizarre spectacle that this Fool Fauci presents like a daily car crash in repeated slow motion.

Nuff Said
