Friday, January 21, 2022

Omicron The Cherry Experience


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm currently with TL recovering from Omicron or whatever that thing is. I can tell you that here is a QuadVax thing as we had 3 days that I thought I had eaten bad Pilaf, and here is was the diarrhea, but for us it was just intestinal. No big deal like deplete the toilet paper shelf in the stores.

The Omicron though is making the rounds in the brier. Lots of kids sick and adults getting the second time of the Coronavirus, with all living.

Our produce gal got it, stayed home, had the headache and other things like before.

For me, Omicron started behind the flipper in the throat again, did not do anything. I did get chills for a few days, was beastly tired and am sort of still am in I took a nap before going to sleep for a few nights, and I did notice I had that pain in my heart area like something was wrong, and then the scar tissue in my lung, but it was gone in less than 24 hours.

If you had natural immunity, none of these floaters out there are going to be a problem. I would not have had near the trouble if we were not so damned cold and having to be stressed out about things. If this was would have been a breeze.

I only gargled and took some Vitamin C, rested. That was it. For the past times this stuff hits me, it just gets to my throat and does not really spread like last time. Yes some repeats but nothing that makes me concerned.

I thought I was over all this shit as we had earlier seasonal bouts, but this is what is the hysteria from the germ breeders and as far as that goes, not one real problem with any of it, except I do not like chills as I get cold and stay cold.

My cousin's son had a cough with this, none of that with TL or me. If all sickness was like this, it would be lovely as I do like sleeping as I'm still the girl who never sleeps.

So while some people have had nasty problems, that is due to not ever having a bout with the real virus before. They survived, but it was rougher like when I had it in 2019 a few times into 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

That is the update as I have to go light wood stove as HAARP is robbing you children and brats of your coins to heat your homes.

Nuff Said
