As another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti matter.
I was looking in my witch book, now you may ask why a Christian has a witch book in paying 60 cents when it sold for 20 dollars and the answer is to save some idiot from the practice and going to hell and also I was interested in what was in this book of white magic.
First, there is not any white or black magic. It is all MAGIK, the implementation of forces, Godlike, demonic, natural and human. It is intent that makes the magik black or white.
This book was by some strange looking Nordic looking demoniac creature named Almine, and she talks about the dove, and the mother goddess. Mum goddess if you are a Catholic is your queen of heaven, the presentation of the Virgin Mary, but it is not Mary
In getting those things out of the way, I was looking at the Libraries of the mother and in the first of the 12 secrets of existence it translates this:
From libraries of the serpent, some secrets revealed
Guard through time when illusion is cleared
But other librariers too their secrets will yield.
The goddess of all life will raise their shields.
The preface to all these incantations states that in 2005 and 2008 a change was made. This President nominee of the Necrosapiens has told you that doors or portals were opened and that just like the Nazi's made contact with demons for their advanced technology, the same leap occurred in the time of Bush43 and Obama appeared and was replaced by the jinn.
It is demon technology which has advanced all of this. The vax and the bioweapon is right from the libraries of satan. This is the mystery religion, the sacred geometry, the interphase of the power sources, all created by God, but all without God are anti Christ.
Jeff Rense's sources can call this off world, but in his Grey and hybrid extensions, this is demons and they have offered up to the 1% the knowledge without understanding for the destruction of God's Plan (That plan can not be destroyed) and the greatest numbers of humans to be obliterated as an audience in the Lake of Fire for satan and that order.
None of this is by accident, it is by design. and all what Christ gave insights into in the Revelation.
It appears there is conflict between the Greys with their hybrids and the 1%. One crown and two masters of murder now trying to neutralize the other. They are vying to inject you with their serum to convert you to them. One potion possesses you to satan and the other enslaves you to the 1% as an immortal flesh. Somewhere in this an immortal rotting cancer appears. The reason is it is impossible to create any "life" without God as source. Failure to include God produces horrid death.
As a warning do not get involved with this or curiosity will kill the cat you are eternally. Part of my mission is to go where others would be destroyed. I have the Holy Ghost and you are not the Spiritual warrior you think you are. Best to just read about it and not have anything attach to you when coming into contact with this anti Christ disorder.
Nuff Said